Alvin and the chipmunks 2 The

Alvin and the chipmunks 2

The sun rarely shines, and the cloudy, rain-swollen skies cast a grey pall over the city. Tracking shots are employed sparingly, and when the camera moves it doesnt glide confidently but slithers stealthily down hallways or around corners. Horror is conveyed not by cheap boo! tactics but instead by the steady accumulation of disturbing events and blood-chilling revelations. Connelly is superb as the young mother, already emotionally fragile but determined to fight the unseen forces that threaten her young daughter who, by the way, is played by young Ariel Gade with the poise and assurance normally associated with much older and more sophisticated performers. Similarly effective in minor but carefully written roles are Tim Roth, John C. Reilly, Pete Postlethwaite, and Camryn Manheim. Dark Water isnt the type of horror movie that makes good popcorn fare: It doesnt rely on hoary, stereotypical devices and doesnt have the one-murder-per-reel pace many fans crave. Instead, it moves slowly, almost funereally, toward a sense-shattering conclusion that will leave most viewers limp with exhaustion once the movie has ended. And thats more than you can generally say of todays fright films. Ed Hulse Directed by Walter Salles Jr. , this remake of Hideo Nakata s supernatural psychological drama Honogurai Mizuno Soko Kara revolves around the plight of a single mother Jennifer Connelly whose messy divorce and subsequent battle for the custody of her five-year-old daughter is taking a heavy toll on her emotional well-being. Ultimately, the mother and daughter are able to relocate to an apartment, which, despite its excessively dilapidated interior, seems to be an adequate location for beginning a new life. Before long, however, what appears to be the spirit of a young girl begins to haunt them. No stranger to mental illness, the wary young woman brushes the visions aside as part of the inherent stress of alvin and the chipmunks 2 the transition from housewife to working, single mom. As time goes by and the apparent haunting does not subside, the apartments new residents are forced to examine the history of its former tenants. Dark Water also features performances from John C. Reilly, Tim Roth, and Dougray Scott. Tracie Cooper, Rovi Feature film: ; Deleted scenes Dahlia at the laundromat/Ceci Analayzing Dar Water scenes Blue Robe/Wall of Water; Movie Showcase:; Instant access to select movie scenes that showcase the ultimate in high definition picture and sound; Seamless menus Be Honest With Yourself This Building Is Falling Apart Portions of content provided by All Movie Guide, a trademark of All Media Guide, LLC Sign up for savings, news, updates. Please enter a valid email address. Were having trouble saving your address. Please try again. Thank you. A welcome email has been sent. On Facebook, Twitter or RSS About B N Investor Relations Barnes Noble, Inc. Careers at Your essential source for the latest news on the intersection of Wall Street and Washington. Were not going to have the Blu-ray/HD-DVD format war to kick around anymore. This morning, Toshiba announced that it would stop making HD DVD players and recorders, a surrender that yields the market to the rival Blu-Ray format. A statement on Toshibas Web site attributed the decision to recent major changes in the market, which is a grotesquely understated way of stating that movie studios, video rental stores and electronics retailers had spent the last month and a half pounding nails in HD DVDs coffin. Its hard to imagine that HD DVD could once have been the favored contender. It did, after all, reach stores months before Blu-ray – and did so with dramatically cheaper players. Microsoft had even anointed it as the high-def disc format of the future. But after that head start, most of HD DVDs best features were either unexploited or unadvertised: So now we have the more expensive format, with less backwards compatibility and with more stringent usage restrictions. I cant quite feel like celebrating. If youve bought into HD DVD or Blu-Ray, how did todays news hit you? Id also like to hear from people who had shied away from both formats until the industry would make up its mind-are you ready to go high-def disc shopping, or are you going to stick with DVDs or try out high-def video downloads? Update: Great comments, everybody! If youd like to expand on them, my colleague Mike Musgrove is working on a story for tomorrows paper about the demise of HD DVD and would like to talk to you. You can reach him by e-mail at Being an early adopter, the risk was always there, I have both a PS3 and xbox 360 with HD-DVD add-on. Ive only bought a few HD-DVDS but guess what, they still play in my add-on no matter what announcements have been made. The way I see it I was able to enjoy well over a year of quality HD titles exclusive to HD-DVD including Transformers, the Bourne trilogy, and the extras on 300 that did not ship on the Blu-Ray version. I think Ill stick with my upconverting DVD player/recorder until a Blu-ray recorder comes along at a reasonable price. This of course assumes Id be allowed to record HD content of course. If that isnt possible, Ill probably just get an Apple TV or some equivalent and download my HD content. Blu-ray may have won the battle, but Im guessing downloadable content wins the war. We got a fairly inexpensive HD-DVD player alvin and the chipmunks 2 Toshiba, and I guess now we have a nice upconverting DVD player.

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