Ba alaoui Safe mode is a basic

Ba alaoui

Safe mode is a basic start up of windows without all the extra bells and whistles that slow down your computer. Also if the re is any viruses or programs running on your computer the y will very likely not be running in safe mode. 13; To get into safe mode simply restart your computer the n right as it is starting up press F8 on your keyboard, A menu will come up listing some options for you, you need to select Safe mode with networking so that you can still have access to the internet. 13; It is important to press F8 at a precise ba alaoui as windows is starting up, some computers will prompt you on the bottom of the screen as its loading but its ok if you just keep pressing it until the menu loads, you can definitely press it more than once. 13; 3a. Windows Updates 13; Windows frequently releases security updates for problems the y find with the ir operating system. It is usually set up to do it automatically but most people ignore it for whatever reason. Even if this is not the case go to and run through the ir automatic updates program. Its really easy just basically keep clicking yes and next until it is complete. Once the updates are finished it will prompt you to restart your computer, do so before you continue onto the next step. 13; 3b. Restart Again 13; The computer will likely restart you into normal windows mode, we will continue to work on your computer through safe mode as it will run the next steps quicker, and we can pretty much guarantee that the viruses wont be running aswell. So restart your computer again and enter into safe mode again. 13; Anti-virus 13; Ok the easy step to do now is to run a virus scan. Even if you dont have an anti-virus program on your computer you can still scan your computer for free. The site I recommend is put on by a company called trendmicro, this company mainly profits from its corporate clients but offers a free online scan to public users. Simply go to and look for the ir free online services for home and office use. The n follow the instructions to run the housecall program on all your local hard drives. This program will provide a current scan of your computer removing all known viruses. Its updates everyday with new definitions so you always know you have an up to date program. 13; The re are a couple o the r virus programs I should mention. Some of the commercial versions of virus software Norton and Mcafee are usually expensive, and require a subscription. In addition to the cost the y all use alot of your computers resources to run. So if you are trying to remove virus to speed up a computer by installing Norton you likely wont notice a difference in speed as it is probably making just as slow. 13; The solution is to get AVG free edition, Which is a free virus program for all to use, The y do also have a subscription version that has a few more features but even the full version of AVG uses way less resources on your computer the n norton or after youve finished fixing your computer if you do want to install an antivirus program you may choose to. 13; 4b. Restart in normal mode 13; At this point you will need to restart you computer and let it boot normally to get out of safe mode 13; MSCONFIG 13; This program isnt very well known to most computer users but it is crucial to keeping your computer clean and organized. MSCONFIG is a windows program on all windows machines that controls all start up settings. To access it go to your start menu and click on the run command the n type MSCONFIG and press program will open in a new window and the re will usually be 4 tabs at the top of the window. The main one that you can edit with little difficulty or computer knowledge is the start up tab, click on it and you will see a list of all programs that start when your computer starts up. In reality the re is really only 2 or 3 programs that are absolutely necessary The se are your systray and anything to do with windows explorer. At this point what you can do is go through the list and uncheck any programs that look suspicious or that you know are malicious or unwanted. When you apply the settings it ba alaoui ask you to reboot. Once the reboot is complete if all is well you can uncheck more of the programs from the list and see if you computer will still run as you need it. Usually I uncheck almost all of the m the n add the ones I absolutely need back in after. You can also work in reverse and gradually remove a few at a time and make sure your computer is still ok after each reset. You will need to performe this step a number of times until you have the computer running as quickly as possible with the programs you need. 13; Usually some of the types of programs that are ok to have on your start up include your software for your burner, msn, your antivirus software, printer software, windows the mes. 13; Tip: If your not sure what a particular program does the n you can google all the information list in the startup list on that program and you can usually get an answer. 13; Registry 13; Similarly to MSCONFIG and the start up list. Your computer registry stores a list of all programs that have ever been installed on your machine. So if youve ba alaoui your computer a while and added and removed alot of programs the re can be alot of entries in your registry. A handy program also available on the site is the Hijack This program.

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