Ben 10 Alien Swarm They are buying products, not technology

Ben 10 Alien Swarm

They are buying products, not technology. I was fully prepared to invest in HD DVD until the fight went south for them. Now Im just going to wait until Blu-Ray fails and a better format comes along thats not driven by a company who rather secretly install rootkits on everyones computers and takes every opportunity to screw the consumer. Plus they have NEVER proven EVER that they could successfully launch a format. Sony, you make great technology. Your problem is your ANTI-CONSUMER. Its the price and thats it, theres nothing else really stopping bluray from succeeding except the price and cost. bluray players on average cost 4 times as much as DVD players or even more. But then again you need a HDTV to reap the benefit of a bluray player. DVD doesnt have all those downsides. Then again, how many people actually own HDTVs?! Only good deal for a bluray player is a PS The people that really want the highest definition video and sound, understand all the differences 1080p vs i, HDMI vs DVI, etc, and are willing to pay large amounts of money to setup a complete system are a small minority. Most people are content with DVD. Content to purchase a movie like Fast Times at Ridgemont High for 99, rather than 99 for a Blue Ray version. Blue Ray players are expensive Blue Ray movies cost anywhere from 5 to 6x the cost of a regular dvd Many movies are not even available on Blue Ray Add to that the confusion over formats, connections, what type of TV and sound system is needed, and consumers will opt for the cheaper and easily setup/understood DVD. Blue Ray will sell, but in the end, like Ive said before, the next format for movies is the one that will be adopted widely assuming the mistakes of current formats are removed. It wont die. The thing is, HDTV adoption is slow because companies cant push HD on people who cant see the difference. People who are just stubborn and ignorant like elderly, people with little spending money etc. The people who CAN afford HDTV probably can and do buy Blu-Ray like myself. I did HD DVD and Blu-Ray. I buy about 2 movies a month as well. The Difference between SD DVD and Blu-Ray is astounding, but there are people who refuse to believe it or have not had the opportunity to properly experience it. Also, I just bought No Country for Old men on Blu-Ray for 25 at wallyworld. The DVD was selling only 5 less. FWIW: DailyTech has had a history of putting Blu-Ray in a bad light with their articles. Im reading a lot of negative opinion Ben 10 Alien Swarm against BR. Having just purchased a Sony BDP-S300 player, I thought I would share my logic or illogic behind my motives for this purchase. I considered a lot of things before my purchase, so maybe that thinking is of value On the subject of stand-alone player versus PS The BDP-S300 is the same price as the PS3, so why did I go with a stand alone player, especially when the PS3 is already a profile 0 player and it is only a profile 0 player? I discounted that issue because I know my entertainment habits and I wonder if theyre so different from Ben 10 Alien Swarm peoples.

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