Conagher trailer Feel free to

Conagher trailer

Feel free to flame me in a year when HD DVDs become the reigning king, but BR is backed by Samsung and Sony as well as a few other players. HD DVD gets lip service, but I dont see much else coming out of that camp except for computer peripherals, which means HD might make a good backup medium down the line. In terms of usability and genuine content, however, BRD is probably the winner. Well be getting a player next week, but until then, lets mull over the various possibilities for the two formats and see what we, the Gizmodo quorum, feel. I dont normally trumpet CNET reviews but this one seems right. No editorialzing about whos going to win. Just cold hard experience. 1080i vs. 1080p was a wash. Much ado has been made of the fact that Blu-ray players can output 1080p resolution while first-generation HD-DVD players, namely the Toshiba HD-A1 and its ilk, can output only 1080i. Ive said before that its nearly impossible to tell the difference between 1080i and 1080p sources on a 1080p HDTV, and after the following test, I feel even more confident that 1080p output capability is overrated. Using the same two players hooked up in the manner described above, I put a Memento Blu-ray disc in each and set one to 1080i mode and the other to 1080p. I chose one of the few conagher trailer with a lot of motion-Leonards final drive back from the vacant lot to the tattoo parlor-where interlaced artifacts from 1080i, such as jagged or moving lines, should be more visible. Bouncing back and forth between the 1080i and 1080p versions, I could see no differences whatsoever. From the white lines dividing the street to the buildings and the parked cars alongside the road flashing by, to close-ups of Leonard and his wife Jorja Fox, the two looked identical. I can imagine material that might show more of a difference, such as sporting events with lots of camera movement, but it wasnt there in the scene I watched. Those reading this thread have heard me say repeatedly that 1080i vs 1080p outputs are no different. IVTC de-interlacing ensures you get the progressive picture diplayed on your screen. Not the bottom of the review where the load times are discussed. Ive heard much ballywhooing about conagher trailer times and the reality is both players are pretty close. Pretty lacking review, and saying things like: doesnt mean much to anyone. I want some real reviews to start coming out. Put the thing through its paces, and give me indepth information about PQ, sound, navigation, options, etc. So far I have read one review of TFE, which was not so great, and this quazi-review-thing, saying it tasted like a fresh-baked, I mean looked like a fresh-baked pizza??? Oh so those slow buttons are suddenly going to speed up when the Official launch date hits. Ohh for the heads up. 8 The sluggish buttons come from more than one person. The slow menus come from more than one person. Calling Roberts accuracy into question is silly you can neither prove nor disprove his statement. What is silly is you just proved my point that your statement regarding shipped HD DVD units was crap. Gotcha!:lol: Regarding TFE. Did I link to my own personal site or a 3rd party site conagher trailer I have no affiliation with. Just because the results dont jive with your RDF doesnt mean they are false. Its always wait for for that Ive clearly stated the issues with the Sammy that I expect some will get fixed. You continue to make excuses and denigrate legit reviews because they dont fit in your rose tinted, no, no. Im not denigrating any legit review from Hidefdigest.

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