Copper Canyon And then by a

Copper Canyon

And then by a stroke of luck, I won a free book edit that actually turned into two free edits long story, not going there. Then, when I knew that Reunion was starting to look pretty good, I began the planning process of my book launch. Heres what I think Im doing right. Ill let you know how it turns out in 45 days Started planning about 3-4 months ahead. Original release date was April After editing was complete, I sent book to a final proofer. Cost me 1 I formatted my interior. I have a MAC so it was easy to transform file into a PDF. I studied The Book Designers Blog to learn which fonts to use. I did a temporary print run on Createspace so I could have a print copy to send out to reviewers. I had a contest at my blog The Writing Bomb to find the best cover. It worked great. My blog and twitter followers came up with a great concept and I tweaked it from there. Paid to get final book cover designed and in PDF format to fit 336 page paperback I prepared a PDF that was pretty darn close to the final version. Paid to get my book formatted into epub mobi formats I began the process of starting my own imprintNexgate Press. I built a website and bought my email and url I wrote up a Review Request PitchYeah, you gotta have that. Sending out a review request is sort of like sending out a query letter only less formal. But at this stage the print copy is CRITICAL, because many reviewers will not accept a digital copy. Many of the high volume review blogs require an Advance Review Copy, or ARC weeds out self-pubs. Major point here Get the book edited and formatted and in print even if its temporary before you send out review requests. Id start this about 4-3 months before sending out requests. Tip: Dont publish yetjust keep ordering Proofs only 5 at a time with CreateSpace. I studied Scott Nicholsons blog tour and started sending review requests to the blogs on his 90-day tour An amazing feat!. I found many that wouldnt accept my book because of genre preferences, and thats okay. But one blog led to another and I eventually filled my 45-day schedule. My first request was sent out in early February. I scheduled a Kindle Nation eBook of the day. You have to do this, or any other Kindle Nation sponsorship, months in advance if you want it to remotely coincide with your launch date.

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