Cracks flux pavilion remix You

Cracks flux pavilion remix

You gotta ask yourself just where are they putting the extra money? In their pockets I presume. Besides whats more exciting than this? Funny thing is not only has Toshiba beat the BDA to market with players theyre going to beat them in recorders too. Shipping mid July before Sony even has their player out the door. You guys are betting on the wrong horse. But Sony is capible of doing a flagship product like this, like they did with the SCD The SCD-1 didnt push SACD into a win, and neither will this. Mass market for HD video is with the PS3 or nothing. Seriously, murch, everyone has heard your spiel 1000 times by now. Im not sure youve convinced anyone. This discussion is now little more than a pissing contest between you and pretty much everyone else. The only thing youve really managed to accomplish is to alienate a lot of people who might have considered HD-DVD othewrwise. I figure im good for about a million cycles on the spielometer. Im sure Ive helped at least someone cut through the hype. It may be a pissing contest but the series of events clearly show that Im not the one taking most of the piss. Im naturally adversarial, a son of a lawyer with legal aspirations of my own. Im simply not going to capitulate. Truth is ive been proven wrong very few times her. I dont worry about following the crowd. Im very into discussing things from a specific context. to prevail? Is it THAT easy to buy peoples allegiance. Give them a little bit more storage space and theyll let you kickem in the teeth. Twice the player costs If you are talking standalone player costs without regards to subsidizing, then true, but the PS3 is the same cost at 499 so if we are talking about subsidized players like both Toshiba models and the PS3, then you are false. Cost is the same. Twice the DRM Yes, Blu-ray provides more protection with BD cracks flux pavilion remix ROM-mark on top of AACS that both HD DVD and Blu-ray will use, but does this necessarily equate to twice the DRM. Dont know, it could provide 1 and 1/2 the DRM or 3 times the DRM. But, I do know this, the majority of Hollywood seems to deem it necessary seeing how they back Blu-ray. Are you just upset that it will be harder for you to pirate movies? I wouldnt worry to much, there will cracks flux pavilion remix be a crack soon after Blu-ray reaches domination. Had to to forced into support Mandatory Managed Copy Now you are just reaching. You dont know when they decided to incorporate the MMC spec inside Blu-ray and even more so that they were forced. Besides, does it matter? They support MMC, so your point is irrevalent. Has a weak interactive layer And this is why Java is used widely in the entertainment business, hmm-hmm? Because it is weak, right? Any more FUDtastic points? Oh wait, see the next statement you Spotty backwards compatibility Because two players that you have found dont support only CD playback Sony and Pioneer, you claim spotty backwards compatibility. Even though, the current Samsung release plays them, the Philips player will, the Sharp player will, and the Panasonic model that was announced today and shipping in September will? Furthermore, all will be and are DVD backward compatible, so I dont see not having CD playback on two players is a big point for you. Besides, with Sony and Pioneer pushing back their release dates, they very well include the playback of CDs as an option when they release. Any more FUD you need me to shoot down? Ugh. The last thing the country needs is another lawyer. some sarcasm Please, though, if you do become a lawyer, stick to civil law, which may be the last vestige of our judicial court system that actually functions in a somewhat positive way. You mean how it was buggy. Very little complaints after the 2 firmware update. Even with the bugs the avg HD DVD discs is noticably superior to most of the Blu-Ray discs shipping. That wont change until Sony gets VC-1 on their discs or DL discs. Well have to see about Studio support. Frankly I think we see at least one Major announce movies for HD DVD. The latest delay of the Sony BD player until Oct should seal that deal.

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