Crossing Over After just three

Crossing Over

After just three weeks in release, the VDT Crossing Over the 14th best selling DVD for the year already. In a week or two it will move into the top It s sales aren t as bad as people are making it out to be. What name could u come up with by combining the names ElenaEileentwin sisters? We have two of this in our house. My mom has a copy, and I got one for Easter. It is amazing!! This was posted on the 28th of April! When are we going to get more news? Definitely. I m bored, and some good news would be great! Just so everyone knows, I love Narnia, I love ALL the movies, and I thought the effects were good for the budget. Does anyone here think Edmund and Lucy are weird? Because someone said they were once, and I completely disagree. Lucy and Edmund are definetely not weird! On the contrary the re awesome!I also Crossing Over all the films and I don t understand why people are so dissapointed! I just wish they would givw us some clue on what s going on, everyday I check Narniaweb and everyday I see the same headline! Just Queen, not High Queen says: I totally agree!!!!!!!!!! This is the first website I go to everyday and it s said when there s no news. It seems to me that with this website, there are huge gaps with no news and times when the news appears all at once. When they were at the very start of making the Dawn Treader we were constantly getting news! But now even the stars have left the limelight and i start to doubt whether we ll be seeing another movie anytime soon. Any Narnia fan is a Twilight fan? If so, is it possible to see Breaking Dawn trailer now?!!!!!!!! On Wikipedia on the Chronicles of Narnia movie fanchise page, it states that MN will be officially released in 2013!!!! Wikipedia isn t always the most reliable place of information, but they are usually right. So it has probobly been greenlit, but let s not call it official yet. But good news True, I ll take you advice and take it as an encouraging word. Just Queen, not High Queen says: Wikipedia is sometimes more reliable than imdb when it comes to movies in the pre-production and filming stage. They also have a detailed list of all movies released each year and when they are released. Wikipedia is only as good as it s sources. Since they don t list a source for the 2013 release date, I would not trust this information. I m dying for some news, even if it is a April Fools joke, something something please. yeah, how about a question of the day? a discussion point? just to keep us active? i come here every day looking for a drop of narnia to refresh my palate!! you could solicite for discussion questions from the readers! Oh, what is your favorite character in the movie VDT? For me it would be Aslan or Lucy. Aslan! Ask about any other book you d get the same answer In the book prolly Lucy or Edmund, in the movie I d have to go with Eustace he was just so well done! What are you looking forward to in the MN movie? What do you think Charn or the other worlds will look like? Will Jadis be wearing obviously different clothing from Wardrobe? Will the movie be darker than PC since the MN book is very dark? the darkest of the series in my opinion The producers need to hire writers that understand the delicate, fine line that Lewis obviously understood between a magical children s story full of WONDER, and a story that is clever, multilayered, and deep enough to entertain a clever adult as well. Please please, hire writers that do not think that children, and people who enjoy children s books, are simple. This is not a story about a flying elephant. Something for children, but not CHILDISH, as I think Lewis would have put it. The writers must understand WHAT they must pick and choose from the story, to keep that balance. Lewis books could be dissected and argued over without end. Concordia university in Montreal taught a course specifically on the Chronicles of Narnia maybe 30 yrs ago. I don t think, so far, they would have taught one about these movies, any more than they would for Return to Witch Mountain If the popularity of these movies actually approached the popularity of the books over the years, the producers would be so rich, so rich In the Magician s Nephew, I m looking for a movie that will catch the essense of the book! As it is one of my favourite s i want it to be as magical as anything! My fear is that they won y make the CREATION OF NARNIA as perfect and magical as it should be! Charn will be cold dark, kind of creepy with a cold air going through the destroyes city! I think Jadis s clothes, like in the book will be more colourful! More like a bedazzled medieval Queen! Lots of purples, royal purples and of course GOLDlots of it. I believe it will be mysterious and very beautiful! The special effects will have to be excellent to catch the essense of this magical book! Cool! I think Digory s Uncle will be very creepy. A evil look here, a greedy look there. The rings will be cool, especially how they will probably will betray the children moving through the worlds! great ideas, can t wait for the movie! Rotten Tomatoes reviews of the last Pirates movie; Walt Disney s latest desperate hope, is crashing horribly half as popular as VDT I m sure they re crying all the way to the bank. The last Pirates didn t fare Crossing Over better on the tomato-meter and it ended up making almost a billion world wide. Does anyone know of any for sure news about if a new Narnia movie is coming and is there any new news??? Nope sorry. Don t look like it! But keep an eye out, news will come I m sure. i thought people were raving about the dawn treader and how popular it was.

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