Enemies among us trailer Why

Enemies among us trailer

Why cant we get a system where you may burn it to a disc once, or send an old scratched disc via post and receive a free replacement? Why do we have to settle for scratched discs that no longer work? Frankly Im in the same boat as everyone, why should I bother to upgrade to Blu-Ray? Id need to get a new TV to even be able to see the difference, and Id need a new reciever to get the benefit of the sound quality. TO top it off the discs are more expensive. Too much of an investment when what I have now works jsut fine, I think I can find something else to blow a couple grand on. Id need to get a new TV to even be able to see the difference, and Id need a new reciever to get the benefit of the sound quality. TO top it off the discs are more expensive. Thats one of the huge reasons BD wont take off like DVD did. DVDs worked with your existing TVs, which was basically every household in the US and most other countries. BD only works with HDTVs which is still a much smaller user base 25% was the last figure I think I saw for the US. So even if the players were 100 youd only have a max of 25% of the market that would be interested, and only a percentage that would actually upgrade even then. You hit the nail right on the head. DVD players only required you to hook up to your existing tv set to enjoy the technology, while hi-def players required you to spend much more money to get the full effect. Add to that the fact that an upscaling dvd player will play my existing dvds at near top-end HD quality, at a fraction of the cost of the BR players. Why then would I bother, unless I was just one of those people that HAS to have the latest greatest. Dont get me wrong, Im not getting down on those people, as theyre the ones that cause the prices to eventually come down for the rest of us. But until a BR player comes out for 100, I wont its likely well see a newer, better technology breakthrough before that happens, imho. I would guess most people interested in HD-capable players for the immediate time being bought them last year when they started to gain steam and were always in the around the holiday season. Now if a person wants a BD-player the PS3 is a smart option because not only is it constantly being upgraded in regaurds to its BD-playing capabilities, you can play video games on it too. Im buying one when the MGS4 bundle is finally released:o This is nothing to do with economics. Bluray was adopted over HD-DVD because NEITHER was selling well at move sales on both were slow. a choice was made to put all the resources into one or risk seeing both die. the logic being one has a better chance then both fighting against each other. and many companies did support both at one time or another. I firmly beleive bluray will NEVER see DVD-like popularity.

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