Fantasia free yourself Q: Will

Fantasia free yourself

Q: Will the story of your film be the same as that of Mary Nortons original novel? Suzuki Toshio: Miyazaki read her book and got the idea of turning it into a film when he was in his 20s, which was about 40 years ago. To tell the truth, he wrote the scenario without re-reading the novel, but solely relied on his memory. Indeed, he has a good memory, but he often makes a reading mistake. For example, he sometimes recommends me his favorite novels. If it has a nice garden set in it, he instantly likes it, like The Secret Garden. He really likes gardens and wasted ones are better, so he first made a garden plan in this scenario. There is an old house where two old women live, one is the owner and the other is her housemaid. As they are old, the house and the garden are a little wasted. It is there where a small human family lives; father, mother and their 14 years old daughter, and they have the rule never to be seen by normal human being. One day a 12 year old boy moves into the house to get health therapy and is on that day that the 10 cm tall girl Arrietty is seen by the boy. From there these two start their calf On a sidetrack, during a different interview Miyazaki Hayao commented about the films debuting director Yonebayashi Hiromasa, Im watching him on tenterhooks. Like the old saying goes The cure is worse fantasia free yourself the disease so too much advice might spoil him. part II 17th of December, NEW UNSEEN PICTURES AND MORE PRESS CONFERENCE DETAILS OF KARIGURASHI NO ARRIETTY: The second part of yesterdays press conference for Studio Ghiblis new full length feature film titled Karigurashi no Arrietty follows below. Q: Did you have a reason for appointing Yonebayashi? Suzuki Toshio: To tell the truth, there was no specific reason. After we, Miya-san and I, reached the decision of making Arrietty, we were talking about the needed story angles. Suddenly, Miya-san asked me who should be the director. Now I know he always wants concrete answers and then an idea popped up in my mind and in a whim I said Maro Yonebayashis nick name at the studio. Hearing that, Miya-san seemed to be a little surprised and scowled and I knew why: for his next movie plan he assumes to use Maro as the main animator and if Maro becomes a director, then Miya-san cant use him. Anyway, we called Maro to our room and told him about it. Of course Maro was much surprised. Back then my idea was just a whim, but now I can tell about the reason behind it. Hes an immensely skilled animator with world-class talent. Plus, after he began working on the production, I also got to know he has enough talent as a director. Furthermore, he has a good personality and is loved by everyone in the studio. When I informed everybody about the new director the whole the studio was in a state of turmoil. However, now everyone agrees. Though there are many elder veteran animators in the studio, they dont hesitate to help Maro. Now I know you wonder why Yonebayashi doesnt attend fantasia free yourself press conference, but actually Miyazaki told Maro never to show his face in public. According to him making a movie basically can go two ways, either being successfully released or end up being shelved. Sometimes it can even be cancelled halfway and furthermore he is just a newbie as a director. If production fails hell be publicly humiliated. Never chatter about it in public. Q: Why are you digitally releasing the theme song on iTunes and as a ringtone? Suzuki Toshio: Well, young people tend not to buy CDs, but instead get their music online. We want as many people as possible to hear this music. Now let me tell you why we use Ccile Corbel. I get a lot of CDs from all over the world sent to me time asking for a trial listening fantasia free yourself the time. There are too many for me to listen to and so usually I leave them without breaking the seal. However, when I was worrying about Arriettys song, as always a CD was sent to me. Like taking any port in a storm, I happened to open the CD. It had a small piece of paper with a short English hand written text in it. Im not good at English, but Ccile-san had written in easy English This is my new album. All of these songs have been influenced by Ghibli movies. It got my interest.

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