Freakshow on the dance floor by bar-kays

Freakshow on the dance floor by bar-kays

I did not see where u said you d get to it this weekend. I only saw this: Yes, it is possible to combine several movies onto one Bluray. BD Rebuilder cannot do it, but multiAVCHD can. I have written several tutorials on its use not on this particular topic, but similar ones so you can read around here to get yourself oriented. Several people have done this very thing with the Planet Earth BBC series actually. Adub, I in no way wanna become a PITA or piss u or anyone else for that matter. I guess i left most if not all of my patience, amoung other things, in a rice paddy back in I would never have asked u if I had seen your entry. i simply would have politely asked you like my Italian Mom taught me I m Old school this way. When i read your reply yesterday, I went str8 to the multiAVCHD I m sure my eyes gave out as I didn t find anything. I also don t think this site sends an e-mail to me when there is an answer/responce-so I m leaving you my e to make it easy for me to know I ve got mail that will instruct me. U C, when I m rendering, I disconnect from the net. Earlier today I copied 5 Video only parts of DVD movies from my HD-renamed each part the name of the movie let my puppy take me for a walk for an hour. Chasing 3000; BOLT; etc. When i returned home, I took the BD-R out walked over to my BD player and got 5 pics of yellow envelopes each 1 w/a movie title. I clicked on each and I got NOTHING but an arrow poiting up to a higher dir. I thought NERO 8 in the BD UDF-250 MODE would have been kinder to me. Hey, ya win That s why we play 9 innings; 60min. Still doesn t mean I m happy about it. Lol, Shoulda used my DVD-RW 2Is there a way to stop that nag in ANYDVD that will not expose me? Please believe me when i type, I appreciate your time, especially your genius in explainning freakshow on the dance floor by bar-kays Dean s w/hie authoring. Sincerely, Buddy-now for some salad ; I m trying to install BD Rebuilder, but I can t find WMV9 to install I m running Windows7 I had no problem finding everything else, and I was surprised no one else mentioned any difficulty finding it. what am i missing? Posted by roryson anyone know of a guide for BD-Rebuilder. having problems. How to backup blu-rays with BD Rebuilder WMV9 is just a codec installed with the latest version of Window Media Player. Since you have Windows 7, simply make sure that your system is up to date and that you have Windows Media Player installed and you should be good to go. Has anyone managed to create a reencode greater than 6gb? No matter what I do it s always this size or smaller. I ve chosen a custom output size of 16gb, done a 2-pass encode to other file MKV movie-only format, but no matter what I do it always creates a small 5-6gb file/folder. I ve tried Ripbot and although that creates a file the size I want 16gb, the audio goes out of sync very frustrating. Depending on the content of your video, you may just be saturating the video. There are some videos that no matter how much bitrate I threw at it, it would always fall freakshow on the dance floor by bar-kays my desired filesize. This often occurs with really dark movies, such as Underworld. You shouldn t be aiming for a size, but rather a quality level. If it looks good, who cares how small it is. You just have more space for other videos. Does the video look good at around 6GB? Actually BD rebuilder has just finished and the video size is 95GB lol. It looks ok in in quiet scenes but when theres a lot of action onscreen it looks terrible. I m wondering if it s because it s a branching title I m going to try and remux to a single seamless first and try again, trouble is it all takes so long I ve spent almost two whole days encoding so far with nothing to show for it. Hey ho. Did you make any edits in file that BD Rebuilder uses as its stored settings? BD Rebuilder is usually good enough to reach a specific filesize without any problems. Worst comes to worst, try a complete removal of BD Rebuilder, re-download, and try again. Downloaded it again, made no difference. This time the mux failed with a Gui unable to locate hWnd error.

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