Garfield show na srpskom This

Garfield show na srpskom

This thread needs to be locked, closed, goobye missed the point, you missed the rhyme This thread needs to be locked, closed, goobye I cannot lock it, I cannot close it I kinda like it, I cant lock it thats considered obscene. Drinking 40s, pimpin hoes I aint got no style, I aint got no grace fall on my ass and say ouches. This shits silly, my brain must revolt Peace out mah brothah. werd is born. rhyming with me is a bad idea when the last word is orange lol! A more serious tip: If the word orange is essential to the message, then change the order of the line so it doesnt garfield show na srpskom with orange. Horse-fly could say yo yo, I go by horsefly but everyone says Im a fly hey you got a problem garfield show na srpskom that, lets fight Or else Im like, Hey-security! You say you still dont you have such a great name. So what do you think of Bad Blitzer Slam or bad blitz slam as a name for me? Its hard coming up with a decent name because Ill have to live with it for a while Im not necessarily looking at a career, but at least while Im in high school and maybe college. hey cmount howd you show go??? havent had it yet. Its not until the 25th. Until today I thought it was the 15th. Im still putting together a special shout-out mix for post-song stuff like this one fan has a crap! Ill have to see if her birthday is on the 25th or 15th. Get back with you on that one. Thanks for asking though. What do you think of a name? Ive come up with several ideas, and Im not sure about any of them I only posted 1 1/2 here well, the blitzer versus blitz hardly counts. havent had it yet. Its not until the 25th. Until today I thought it was the 15th. Im still putting together a special shout-out mix for post-song stuff like this one fan has a crap! Ill have to see if her birthday is on the 25th or 15th. Get back with you on that one. Thanks for asking though. What do you think of a name? Ive come up with several ideas, and Im not sure about any of them I only posted 1 1/2 here well, the blitzer versus blitz hardly counts. The Mountee. Or, if you prefer, the mounter. Any other ideas? What do you think of the first ideas I posted bad blitzer slam? Please feel free to post and everybody. oh, sorry for about Bad Mount Slam as another idea for a name? More rhymes welcome. Nice work, everyone rhymes posted. okay, forget names for a while. Im also open to having people alternate in like a team effort I think you know what Im talking about. Or we could form teams and battle teams. Other suggestions are welcome.

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