Ghouls and ghosts 12:15 Ate a

Ghouls and ghosts

12:15 Ate a cluster of grapes, drank 16-ounce glass of the water, and applied the water to new blister, nose and ears. 12:50 New spots seem to feel better; itching and pain have calmed down. Going for another big glass of water. The feeling of disjointedness is gone now. 1:10 Just realized that I don t remember when my arm stopped hurting yesterday. Between 2 and 7 yesterday, had five 16-ounce glasses of the water, between those hours the area around shoulders; elbows and finger joints itched from the inside. 10 Change in ears ringing, stopped abruptly and changed tone quickly, right ear rang a higher pitch, then left ear took over and right side lowered in sound. My husband said it was a phase shift. 8 Slept well last night. Sores at corner of mouth not as angry, no pain, that is the improved part. Inside of ears healing up nicely, problem seems to have backed off, no drainage or crusting, 1 small scab left that should be gone in a day or two now. The gland under chin is starting to ghouls and ghosts up, becoming very painful. Only got to drink three large glasses of the water today. The ghouls and ghosts has stopped each time I drink the water. 8:15 Shortly after going to bed last night, a curious thing happened, about 5 to 10 minutes after I went to bed I saw a red and a white light off to one side. When I opened my eyes it didn t go away; not that I wanted it to. I was not afraid of it, just curious as to where it was coming from. When looking in the direction of the small spots of light, they disappeared, but would return when looking straight ahead. At first thought it was a reflection from the clock on the swag light, so I covered the face of the clock with my hand; didn t make it go away. As I became more intent to where this could be coming from it vanished and I didn t see it again and fell asleep quickly after this. Gland under chin swollen and painful, I look and sound like a bullfrog! Left ear has a small swollen knot just inside the opening; original scab is so much better and still no drainage or scabbing. Blistering on lip isn t too bad; not as itchy and painful. 7:30 So far today have had 3/4 of a gallon of the water, can t seem to drink enough of it. Gland under chin not as painful, started coughing, clear phlegm that comes but does not feel like it s from bronchial or lungs, as if it s coming right up from this swollen gland, don t know if that is possible or not, but that s what it feels like. The knot in left ear is gone but the ear hole is still a bit painful, it is better than yesterday and this morning. Ringing in ears definitely has more clarity. Just below right shoulder I have a spot that itches like allergy itching; skin slightly red. I think the water is helping to clean the ole system up. Sore spot on nose is better; still slightly tender to the touch. 9:30 Rash around lip smaller; not as itchy or painful. Scab on lip loosened and started bleeding.

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