Hamlet trailer Who knows? This

Hamlet trailer

Who knows? This message has been edited by Taxi edited 07-10-200 the main reason i have my suspicions is that, often, when mahavishnu is mentioned, kikuchio will come into the thread and add his her 2 cents. though he/she rarely ever posts otherwise. also, if mahavishnu is around and there is some debate going on that he is on the losing end of, often kiku will come chime in that he/she agrees. and there has been at least once that mahavishnu was banned and, WITHIN HOURS kiku was on the scene, arguing the same point maha was before hamlet trailer banned. kiku, if you are mahavishnu, whatever, i dont care. if you arent mahavishnu, i dont care either. it was just a half joking observation. in fact, your reaction to my non-inflammatory post makes me think you probably are, due to a the lady doth protest too much kind of thing. anyway, i honestly dont care whether you liked dancer or not, and i dont want to get into another argument about it. i didnt say anything particularly insulting, either. also, i have never jumped down your throat about disliking a film i liked, or vice versa. you are free to make your own choices and have your own tastes, its no skin off my teeth. in fact, i like an interesting debate far more than a silly list or complaining about trivial things like edge enhancement anyday. i was even starting to miss people like you and mahavishnu, because at least the heated discussions make life more interesting. Dancer is the best film of the last ten years! Its SUPPOSED to be melodramtic, but in a good way putting the emotion and the drama back into art cinema. Of course the film is also metaphorical, passing comment on the nature of the artist, and the nature of life in general. Nothing wrong with that. Kiku the 100 camera sequences have no prescident, and Trier pays great attention to mise-en-scene even in the handheld sequences. The film is not a rerun of Idioterne, then. Dancer in the Dark IS a brilliant the comments above about Bjorks lack of talent are way off the mark. She writes beautiful music and turns in a staggering performance in Dancer. Careful, or Ill ban Welcome to the forum harmolodic ! Professor of archeology, expert on the occult, and how does one say it? Obtainer of rare antiquities. My GF went to see Dancer in the Dark and she kinda liked it, but she had to leave about 1/3 into the movie because she hamlet trailer sea-sick from the shaky camera. Im not joking here. Mahavishnu likes it and I hate Björks music, so I wouldnt touch this movie with a ten foot pole anyway. Stick with Anaconda, Analyse This, The Bone Collector, Cutthroat Island, Entrapment, Jumanji, Leathal Weapon 4, What Lies Beneath and all those othe Putting a after taking a shot at Doms taste in movies doesnt make it ok. Anyone whos been here as long as Dom is surely aware of your tastes when it comes to cinema. Which is why he could say If maha likes it, then I sure as hell wont. He wasnt taking a shot at your tastes, just stating hamlet trailer his are diametrically opposite.

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