Inkheart One night, a couple


One night, a couple of friends got into one of their fathers car and started calling their best friends on the phone. They said that they borrowed one of their fathers car and decided to commit suicide by crashing into a tree and that they wanted to let their friends know about this but to not have them call the police to try to stop the suicide. The friends listened to their request and the two boys ended up dying because of it. The point of the story was to ask what being a true friend is about. Is being a true friend being a yes-man and letting their friends do whatever they want? Or is a true friend someone who does whats best for their friends even if it goes against the friends request and will anger the friends? What should the friends have done? Should they have just followed their friends request or should they call the police? And if your friend is so miserable that death seems Inkheart a release should the friend do his best to convince the person otherwise or make sure he wont be able to kill himself and end up leading a long, miserable life? There are many different opinions and the answers arent always so clear. Love can be selfish. Is having a parent say yes to all of his childrens wishes so they end up becoming selfish, lazy parasites who feel the world was only meant for them a good idea? I would say not? But how about parents who disown their children if their children dont end up the way their parents want them to; parents who kick their children out of the house if their children end up having a different religion, sexual orientation, or career as them. Such behavior is also an example of destructive and selfish love. Is true love saying, yes, dear, even if it Inkheart the dear? Or is true love making sure the person they love has the best life possible? These questions seem to be addressed in the latest Twilight movie, Eclipse. These questions arent explored as deeply as possible, but that a mainstream blockbuster whose primary audience is adolescent girls to even explore these issues is something worth giving props to. Especially considering how superficial the last two Twilight movies are. Eclipse is easily the best movie in Stephanie Meyers Twilight Saga thus far. Although considering the quality of the first two Twilight movies, saying Eclipse is the best Twilight movie is like saying to someone, you look goodfor your age. The first Twilight movie was insufferable. Slow, melodramatic, ugly cinematography, and no story. The second movie was better. It was watchable and at least had a story to it but was also melodramatic, absurd, and very corny. The third movie, Eclipse isnt without its flaws, but at least has a plot that can hold itself together. Eclipse begins when Bella Kristen Stewart is about to graduate high school and enters the real world. What makes Eclipse the best movie in the Twilight series are three things. One is having a story that deals with the vampires and werewolves instead of just focusing on the romantic elements of the story. The first two movies were mainly all romance and though it had characters who are werewolves and vampires, the films rarely showed why they were important to have in the story. Whereas in Eclipse, about 50% of the movie was focused on the fantasy elements and the other half was focused on romance I know, I know, you are saying these are the same thing, but Im being sincere here, which makes Eclipse not only a more well-rounded picture but one where people who have balls arent ashamed to see and can actually enjoy. The second thing that makes Eclipse the best of the series is that the movie isnt near as over-the-top when dealing with how Bella and vampire, Edward Robert Pattison act and feel about each other.

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