Jeff dunham spark of insanity part 3

Jeff dunham spark of insanity part 3

I would love a crystal ball. But I dont want to take away from the moment. HISTORIC!!! While I find it interesting to see a black president. I do not like to see people post that it is was Gods will for any man to get elected into office when the Bible clearly shows that we are not to put trust in man. The scriptures also say that by means of Gods Kingdom. he is going to do away with all man made governments because they are not the answer to our problems. Be happy for him is up to you. but it is not Gods will to put any man into office. This is Satans world and his system. MTO in this rare case only YOU AINT NEVER LIE!!! Now its time to band together and support our MY PRESIDENT IS BLACK, AND SO IS there are certain people at my job and im sure at school too who are not speaking to me today!! haha. but who cares!! WE DID IT!!!!! this is a lil surreal for me tho. im beyond excited. this is amazing !! it takes skill to be real, time to heal each other We aint ready, to see a black President I wish my EXPLETIVE 2Pac was aslive to see this. LIKE I SAID BEFORE GOD PUT THIS MAN IN HIS POSITION. I UNDERSTAND EVERY WORD I TYPED! PRESIDENT ALREADY HAVE CALLS AND REQUEST FOR HIM TO COME SIT WITH EUROPE AND OTHER COUNTRIES THEY WERE SHOWING ON CNN TO TALK ABOUT MAKING A BETTER AMERICA. ANY DOOR GOD CLOSES NO MAN CAN OPEN ANY DOOR GOD OPENS NO MAN CAN HAS SPOKEN. THIS IS TRULY DIVINE INTERVENTION AT ITS BEST! BOY BOY OF THESE SWEAR!!! ONE OF THE HAPPIEST DAYS IN AMERICAN, YES A-M-E-R-I-C-A-N, HISTORY AND I GOT TO READ SOME THE MOST IGNORANT AZZ M OUT, I AINT GONE LET NOBODY TAKE ME THERE !!!!! Congrats President Barack were all waiting on this its finally here and its time for change. Yes we did. Thank our ancestors that fought to get us here. President Obama is the first president to win a grammy award. He actually has two! the jeff dunham spark of insanity part 3 is won but the war aint over. We jeff dunham spark of insanity part 3 only ask God to watch over Barack and his family and to guide this country and open new doors. Its Still Hard To Believe But I Am Very Happy For Him!!!! The dream has now been realized. I am so honored to have the Obamas as the first family Kutenkinky, showtime629, HiLite get over it. Hes president and theres nothing you can do about. Get your head out of you butts and accept it. Wait for 4 years to try to change it, but I can guarantee you that it will not come easy. You obviously dont know what you are talking about and are quick to listen to the crap that them racist republicans tell you. Be more open minded for Christs sake. You the plaque that continues plague America. half the campus didnt even show up today here in cant believe he won this state!!! He is your president whether you like it or not. EXPLETIVE your comments Barack Obama is my savior, he does have afican-american blood in his his vains all barricades are now knocked DOWN as we rise UP black people were here after caucasians and you know what its about time they act like we are on the same petistool as them no offence to any other race but its just our WE BUILT THIS CITY The Obamas have broken down many sterotypes just by being themselves. 2-Black couples do stay together and raise their children.

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