Mac miller But Dahlia is

Mac miller

But Dahlia is separated from her husband, engaged in a nasty custody battle, and needs an affordable place to call home in order to keep her daughter. This apartment is definitely affordable, and Ceci has rather inexplicably decided she loves the place. So, in the time-honored tradition of horror-movie heroines, Dahlia goes against her better judgment and moves in. Soon enough, Bad Things Happen. The water-spot grows. Is plastered over. Grows again. Water trickles into the capricious elevator, which sometimes goes to floors it shouldn t and stops when it likes, and drips through the floors. Faucets and toilets spout ominous rust-coloured streams in pristine public schools and Dahlia s own kitchen. The ubiquitous Imaginary Friend makes appearances, whispering in the night and telling little Ceci things neither one should know about her mother mac miller her past. She even talks to Dahlia. And it rains. A lot. Things continue to happen, and continue to get worse, but never all at once. Director Walter Salles prefers to build an atmosphere rather than scare us out of our seats with cheap thrills, and he proves very adept at inspiring first gloom, then dread, then horror, and finally anticipation as the payoff we know must come approaches. Unfortunately, it is here that the film stumbles. The mood up until then has been evoked perfectly, although it takes longer than it ought to; nothing much happens but tension-building until the last fifteen minutes or so of the film, and then the climax we have been waiting for since Dahlia moved in is so predictable that it disappoints. However, the suspense is kept taut till the end and the mood never falters; if it is emotional resonance, rather than cheap scares, that you re looking for, this will suit the purpose nicely. A very pretty woman splits from her husband and gets joint custody of her daughter. she moves into a dilapidated apartment that she plans on living in temporarily and for a while things seem to be going well but a leak that causes black water to seep into her bedroom causes problems for her. not to mention her daughter develops a mac miller with an imaginary friend and after some haunting dreams and strange happenings around the apartment she finds out what s behind the black water realizes that she has to make the ultimate sacrifice in order to make everything right. The trailer and ads on TV made the movie out to seem like another idiotic PG-13 Japan horror remake and I can see why they did that because after all The Grudge blew up big time at the box office but the problem with that movie was that it sucked beyond belief which may have affected this movie too. this is more than just some silly idiotic wannabe scary movie, it s thoughtful, clever, well shot and acted and a great story on top of all that. If the studios had actually marketed the movie that way who knows then more people may have gone to see it but you can t really blame them for trying. I think people maybe initially disappointed with the movie because I know they ll probably expect a movie that has creepy long haired little girls that come out of TV s or whatever but that s not really what this movie is about. It does have moments of intense suspense but it never really gets scary or make you pee yourself a little. the movie never feels forced on contrive but just takes it s time and lets things unfold as it happens and really doesn t get creepy and disturbing till we ve figured out all the pieces to the puzzle which is what Takashi Miike did with Audition and Roth did with Hostel. This is one of the few movies in which I ve actually seen the original as well as the remake and I like this one a bit more since the story is told a lot better here and isn t slightly confusing like it s Japanese counterpart.

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