Main aur mrs khanna part 2 And

Main aur mrs khanna part 2

And then there is shoehorning in the tiered net witch is coming becusr big brother is paid to look the other only use one part of my quote. However, people can read what I wrote so it clearly wont be misinterpreted. Im wondering why you didnt put in my part of the quote where I agreed with you that ISP are limiting bandwidth? Maybe you are just here to start trouble which is clearly the case. This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 06 Feb 2009 20:27 knock it off the both of you or you are both off this site!! UNDERSTAND!!! Two days ago they issued a press release boldly predicting Blu-ray will dominate the home video market in 2014 only to be overtaken by online video three years later. vurbal needs to re-visit the main aur mrs khanna part 2 article. The original article doesnt say that online will overtake BD by 20 SNL Kagan projects that high-definition DVD will attain 7% market share in 2014, with 1 billion in revenue. By 2017, this figure is expected to soar to 8%, or 6 billion. If BluRay is projected to have 8% by 2017 then how can online overtake it at that time? Blu-ray will be the driving force behind the video retail market throughout the next decade, said Wade Holden, analyst at SNL Kagan. The current economic climate, however, will slow the growth of this new format and likely keep it from main aur mrs khanna part 2 the heights that it may have in better times. VOD services will continue to improve in both technology and content over the next decade and begin to draw consumers away from Blu-ray and DVD by 20 So the correct interpretation is that by 2017 online will start to draw consumers away from packaged media. This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 06 Feb 2009 20:55 i dont think the spinning little discs will go anywhere, as there will always be the need to hold a physical copy, like news papers. Until ISPs stop screwing over their consumers with caps and bad plans online video aint happening, for now BR is it. Yeah of how people listened to Obamas content before voting for him? s dont stop Netflix streaming online jackass. Not paying attention are we? ISPs are starting to limit bandwidth in a mis guided effort to throw the baby out with the bath water. The larger ISPs are part of the media mafia and they will do everything they can to push consumers off them and back into buying media from traditional sources. And then there is shoehorning in the tiered net witch is coming becusr big brother is paid to look the other only use one part of my quote. However, people can read what I wrote so it clearly wont be misinterpreted. Im wondering why you didnt put in my part of the quote where I agreed with you that ISP are limiting bandwidth? Maybe you are just here to start trouble which is clearly the case. Actually Zippy is correctt. Bandwidth limits will effect how much HD content you can view before your cut off or have to pay extra for your DSL or Cable internet connection. Ive recently switched to a business class service just to avoid the caps. I agree blu-ray is extremely overpriced but youll pay just as much or more than blu-ray per movie if you go over your bandwidth cap. Looks to me like your the one starting trouble. You called the man a Jackass for no reason. Your obviously nothing more than a Sony hater looking to put down anybody who might have any reason why blu-ray might survive. Until ISPs stop screwing over their consumers with caps and bad plans online video aint happening, for now BR is it. Yeah of how people listened to Obamas content before voting for him? s dont stop Netflix streaming online jackass. Not paying attention are we? ISPs are starting to limit bandwidth in a mis guided effort to throw the baby out with the bath water. The larger ISPs are part of the media mafia and they will do everything they can to push consumers off them and back into buying media from traditional sources. And then there is shoehorning in the tiered net witch is coming becusr big brother is paid to look the other only use one part of my quote. However, people can read what I wrote so it clearly wont be misinterpreted. Im wondering why you didnt put in my part of the quote where I agreed with you that ISP are limiting bandwidth? Maybe you are just here to start trouble which is clearly the case.

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