Man of the house 2005 part

Man of the house 2005 part 1

Ive had my first experience with Blu-ray Disc, and Samsungs BD-P1000 Blu-ray Disc player. For the record, I have four titles on The Fifth Element and The Terminator from Sony and MGM and Lord of War and Crash from Lionsgate. You know how I keep saying that these formats are being rushed to market about a year before theyre ready? And you recall how hard I was on the HD-DVD camp man of the house 2005 part 1 their klutzy launch and buggy hardware? And you know how I said that Blu-ray Disc looked like the superior format, at least on paper? unfortunately, the Blu-ray camp has dropped a dud with their big launch too. Every bit as klutzy as HD-DVD. Think Clark Kent klutzy, or Gerald Ford klutzy, or Chevy Chase playing Gerald Ford klutzy. Lets start with the Samsung player. Nice box, nice packaging. You pull the BD-P1000 out of said packaging and it looks pretty badass. Love the lines. Its a much nicer looking player than Toshibas HD-A1, though its lighter and feels a little less solid. The BD-P1000s remote is nicer not backlit unfortunately, but it feels better in your hand and the buttons are laid out more conveniently. Connection via HDMI is pretty easy. You fire the BD-P1000 up and the first thing you notice is a sexy blue glow from the various openings on the player. except I have yet to find a dimmer. And its just a little too bright, you know? the player fires up very quickly. You get a welcome screen within about 5 seconds of power-on. BIG improvement over the Tosh HD-DVD player. You can load a disc after less then 30 seconds, also an improvement over the Tosh. I also like that when its loading or thinking, man of the house 2005 part 1 get a little onscreen icon to let you know, rather than just nothing. At least you feel like the thing is doing something. For whatever reason, the player defaults to 720p output via man of the house 2005 part 1 have to go into the setup menu to select 1080i. Okay, so thats what I did. Now its time to look at my first Blu-ray Disc. Naturally, my hand swerved towards The Fifth Element. The title was an amazing bit of reference work on standard DVD, and that Superbit version was awesome. Obvious choice, right? Should look amazing in HD. it should. But it doesnt. In Im not going to come out and say it looks like crap, but it is easily the worst looking high-definition title Ive seen yet, and Ive seen 30 titles now. The image is muddy looking, lacking in crisp, clean detail. The colors dont quite pop off the screen like they should.

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