Midnight run part 11 I still

Midnight run part 11

I still dont know a single person with any kind of HD player, I think people should just realise, its gunna go straight to movie downloading. No one midnight run part 11 about HD players. Posted Jan 29, 2008 2:35 pm PT Ive got a PS3, but no HD-DVD player of any sort. Blu-Ray has won both the data storage and gaming markets hands down. Movies are still up in the air. Posted Jan 29, 2008 12:55 pm PT Another fun the 100GB Disk is right around the corner. Theyre trying to adapt it for Blu-Ray. You could put the Entire Star Wars Movie collection in HD on it. Also, all the extras and maybe midnight run part 11 a couple of Video to get the true Yay!!! Consumer wins again. Posted Jan 29, 2008 12:34 pm PT Ok, lets do I am going to setup a piece of business ForWhat itsWorth. I wont sell many of anything but I am a Now, that my business is I AM ONLY SELLING an article comes up to ForWhat ItsWorth is selling the War is Gahhh. Isnt that what Woolies did? I think they were in the US, but I havent seen one in 20 Now, lets talk briefly about why the movie studios are supporting THE REAL REASON. It has nothing to do with one format over another. You can fit high def on a 10gb disk, with good resolution. Blu-Ray is not taking advantage of the full space, midnight run part 11 we all know THE REAL REASON IS ENCRYPTION AND PROPRIETARY FORMAT. Thats the real reason. So much piracy is going on, they wanna secure the system so that people cannot hack Lets keep it real. The same backers of Blu-ray are the same ones who back HDMI which we all know was made for purposes of Security and NOT a high def format. You can get high def out of a VGA cable. Example, Im running my PC at way better than 1080P. I just want an end to this format so I can see my Adult movies and the I heheh. sorry. Posted Jan 29, 2008 11:43 am PT Many people did buy PS3s as a blu-ray player, especially at launch, when the cheapest blu-ray standalone player was still over 1000, or somewhere around there. I caught an article some time ago on successful tests on 100GB blu-ray discs and 200GB were being tinkered with. Additional layers will make a difference by further increasing the space advantage of blu-ray. Imagine an 8 layer BD with 200GB.

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