Mortal kombat annihilation part 1

Mortal kombat annihilation part 1

MPEG-4 AVC part of the MPEG-4 standard also known as H. 264 High Profile and Main Profile. SMPTE VC-1 standard based on Microsofts Windows Media Video WMV technology. Please note that this simply means that all Blu-ray players and recorders will have to support playback of these video codecs, it will still be up to the movie studios to decide which video codecs they use for their releases. Thanks! I dont know why, but he bugs me more than most of them do. Its also fun to use facts to refute his bogus claims. First of all, theres a very convenient spin to this article: it doesnt compare Blu-ray to DVD or digital distribution. Second, Blu-ray beating HD-DVD clearly isnt making the PS3 sell any better, so this obviously doesnt have a direct connection to console sales. You are as bad as Mister Nonsense and Devise a lot of lies. Do you have any proof of your noise/interference problem or is that just another one of the bogus claims that schmucks as consumers, not engineers, are falsely assuming. I know that you wont find a bad review about the picture quality of the PS3 as a BD player but just to make sure that you get the point check out this link by a completely unbiased, towards BD or Sony, source. As you can see it is by an HDTV site in the UK. Please try to tell me how you think Sony managed to get hdtvorg to give them a biased review. There is no way that you can! Your hate towards the PS3 and BD is appalling to say the least and your complere lack of any factual evidence to support your illogical opinions makes you contemptible. Go play with your kindergarten friends! Scrub! Machester Bloke do you live in the Woopwoops? Guest 2007-05-22 13:30 Bluray is in quite a few places, way more than HDDVD thats for sure. Go to JB-Hifi, theyre exclusive Blu-ray now somewhereunreg istered, I read somewhere, I think EGM, that a blu-ray attachment like the hd-dvd one for the xbox 360 would not entirely be out of the picture for Microsoft. somewhereunreg istered, I think they already dropped it down to 650 or something huge like that, didnt they? Mister Common Sense, stfu. Go play in traffic. for those that say HD-DVD was first to the market and sony and the bda never submitted the BLU-RAY FORMAT to the DVD to know why they never needed too. they already were selling stand alone blu-ray player/recorders since feb before HD DVD was even did the first HD DVD player come to the market APR 200 from:?ArticleID10987 TSST Korea Toshiba Samsung Storage Technology Corporation announced that it has completed the technical development of its Blu-ray disc drives. These offer a storage capacity up to 25GB at a single layer disc. In the Blu-ray drive, the blue laser is the core factor that enables the next-generation optical disc format. Current DVDs use a red laser 650nm to read and write data, while Blu-ray and HD DVD use a shorter-wavelength blue laser 405nm. As a result, the Blu-ray beam can focus more precisely, enabling it to read information recorded in pits that are only 16 microns long, which is more than twice as small as the pits on a DVD. Also, the smaller pit length allows for the storing of up to 25GB in a single layer disc about five times more than can be stored on a standard DVD disc. The enhanced design that was first incorporated into Samsungs External DVD Writer is being adapted to the Blu-ray Drive as well. Samsungs Blu-ray Drive has the sophisticated black and silver color design of a high-end A/V product that would look perfect even in a living room. Blu-ray offers 50GB of storage capacity on a double-layer disc 25GB on a single-layer disc. A single-layer Blu-ray disc can hold 25GB, which can be used to record over 2 hours of HDTV or more than 13 hours of standard-definition TV. There are also dual-layer versions of the discs that can hold 50GB.

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