My Dog Skip Best Buy CFO and

My Dog Skip

Best Buy CFO and President Brian Dunn has this to say over why they chose Blu-ray: Consumers have My Dog Skip us that they want us to help lead the way. Weve listened to our customers, and we are responding. Best Buy will recommend Blu-ray as the preferred format. Our decision to shine a spotlight on Blu-ray Disc players and other Blu-ray products is a strong signal to our customers that we believe Blu-ray is the right format choice for them. Best Buy believes that their decision will help make customers feel confident in their high-def content choices. Best Buy mentioned that they will not cease selling HD-DVD products. Friday, January 18th 2008 With an unexpected announcement from Warner stating that the company would issue its movies on Blu-ray, the high-definition format war is over for many. A new definition of Blu-ray is coming up, namely Blu-ray The 0 profile brings picture-in-picture and online functionality to Blu-ray discs; these movies will have BD-Live stickers on the case so you know certain features will require 0-compliant players. Currently, the Playstation 3 is the only Blu-ray 0-compatible player available. Wednesday, January 9th 2008 It looks like Sony has truly admitted defeat with UMD movies following plans to allow the PS3 to transfer Blu-ray movies onto PSP memory sticks. Rather than re-encoding the HD content for the PSPs resolution, Sony plans to have Blu-ray disks which feature a PSP-specific version of the movie on the same disk as the main feature, allowing the PSP to simply copy it from the disk directly to the memory stick. The one downside of this would be that Blu-ray films which have already been sold will probably not be compatible with this feature. President of Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, David Bishop, said: This way, you can have a portable copy you can take with you. There was always the promise of greater interactivity. Youll see that coming in the new year. According to Albert Penello, group marketing manager for Xbox hardware, the Xbox 360 console could be equipped with a Blu-ray add-on in the future if HD DVD fails to take off. Penello said: It should be consumer choice, and if thats the way they vote, thats something well have to consider. I fundamentally dont think this has a significant impact on Xbox 360 versus PS You cant say its not a bummer, not a setback, but Ive seen this battle declared over so many times. I want consumers to have a voice in this and I think there are a lot of consumers who bought HD DVD who are going to have a say in how this shakes out. Sony has introduced its first sub-200 internal BD-ROM drive, the BDU-X10S drive that can upgrade an existing desktop computer into a high-definition Blu-ray Disc player, as well as a DVD and a CD player. This is purely a read-only device, without any Blu-ray, CD or DVD burning functions. The new BDU-X10S BD-ROM drive comes with CyberLinks PowerDVD BD Edition software for playback of commercial movie titles, recorded Blu-ray Disc home videos, DVD-ROMs and CD-ROMs. It features a Serial ATA SATA interface and standard 25-inch form-factor for easy installation inside desktop PCs running the Microsoft Windows Vista or Windows XP operating system. The new BD-ROM drive will start shipping this month. The HD disk market has seen another twist with the news that Warner Bros. plans to make all of its high definition film releases exclusive to Blu-ray. The movie label is claiming that the decision was a strategic move, saying: The window of opportunity for high-definition DVD could be missed if format confusion continues to linger. We believe that exclusively distributing in Blu-ray will further the potential for mass market success and ultimately benefit retailers, producers, and most importantly, consumers. A two-format landscape has led to consumer confusion My Dog Skip indifference toward high definition, which has kept the technology from reaching mass adoption and becoming the important revenue stream that it can be for the industry.

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