Population 436 part 7 The

Population 436 part 7

The officer questioned my friend, spent a few minutes in his patrol car, then walked back to the passengers side window. Step out of the car please, sir. Harold nodded slowly and opened the door, automatically put his hands in the air as he stood up. After some quick chatter on his radio, the officer pressed Harold up against the side of my car, patted him down quickly, and promptly put him in handcuffs. He led Harold back to the patrol car and pushed him into the backseat. I felt queasy, and could feel myself starting to sweat. I went through the address book in my phone, looking for someone I could call to get my best friend out of jail. It was Harolds 25th birthday, and it looked like he was going to have to call his mother to ask if she could post his bail. Ten long population 436 part 7 later, I looked into my rearview mirror and saw the officer open Harolds door, release him from the handcuffs, and let him walk away. Harold was laughing off his anxiety as the officer drove off. I was sure Harold was being facetious when he said the US Uncut movement kept him from going to jail. I couldnt population 436 part 7 but scoff. He asked me if I was actually friends with the white dude who was driving the car, Harold explained. I told him, Yeah, thats my dude Carl, we startin a movement against corporate tax dodgers and unnecessary budget cuts. Harold burst into a wide grin. Dude, when I told him me and you are organizing of our own free will to save jobs like his and his son or daughters teachers, and that we were on the same side, he agreed with me! Hoo hoo! We both laughed off the tension that still lingered from the stop and drove on. Turns out, a warrant for Harolds arrest was re-issued on a 4 year-old unpaid citation. But everything is good for Harold now by being pulled over and arrested, Harold was not only able to secure a new court date and payment plan for his citation, but also enthrall his own arresting officer with the power of US Uncuts message. After Harold signed his release form on the hood of the officers car, the officer gave him a small burst of encouragement. I dont want your past to distort your future. Im letting you go, because Im interested in seeing what youre going to accomplish. Of course, I still have a pricey traffic citation to pay. Unlike Harold, I didnt bother negotiating with the officer it was pretty moronic to make an illegal u-turn in broad daylight. You population 436 part 7 add at least one tag to this diary before publishing it. Add keywords that describe this diary. Separate multiple keywords with commas. A tag is a way to search for this diary. If someone is searching for Barack Obama, is this a diary theyd be trying to find? Use a persons full name, without any title. Senator Obama may become President Obama, and Michelle Obama might run for office.

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