Shrek the musical I have been

Shrek the musical

I have been with Netflix since 1999 yes, one of the originals. I have never, yes not once, received a cracked disc. I have in the past received a few that have been scratched and has some playability issues but cant even remember the last time that griping about a buck a month? Seriously? Skip the Snickers bar in the vending machine at work tomorrow and you have your extra give me a break. With the increase in postage, packaging and everything else that has increased in relation to running a business lately you ought to be glad that a dollar increase is all you are seeing. If you are that hard up, then stick to watching movies on TNT and TBS until the cost of your cable goes Me, I am more concerned about the 40% my 401k has dropped this year than the buck a month Netflix is increasing in order to provide me with Blu Dont sweat the small stuff people. I think since they lost so much money due to Blu Rays arriving cracked, they are implementing the price hike to make up for it. I called to ask if this extra dollar was to be going toward sturdier shrek the musical which would eliminate the cracked disc problem, they said no. It is, however, going toward buying more copies of titles so the wait times will be reduced. If I pay this extra dollar per month and still only get 3 out of 10 Blu Rays that actually work, Im switching back to Blockbuster. Completely tasteless timing, I may add. Its obvious now more than ever that Netflix cares more about its shareholders than its paying customers. Else, we wouldnt be getting nickel and dimed. Im actually disgusted by this, as DVD prices continue to drop as more people opt for Blu Ray. Charging extra for something that seems inevitable is a blatant opportunity for Netflix to squeeze more money out of its customers. As of right now, Im downgrading my plan to 2 at a time, instead of 3 and Im giving you 4 weeks from the price hike to prove to me that Blu Rays are actually going to arrive undamaged. Pathetic, Netflix. Really. gid34021951365 Cmon have you ever seen a publicly traded company that doesnt care about the shareholder??? They have no choice but to placate the shareholder and yes, that means you pay an extra buck in order to do with it because without the investors you would be paying a whole lot more than you currently do and how many of you that are complaining about this dollar increase pay an extra 10 a month to DirecTV for HD programming that is what I thought. I just wanted to add something to my post a couple up regarding the cracked problem. Theres no option to edit, unfortunately. I LOVE Netflix, thats why this price hike seems tasteless during these rough times. And its especially frustrating since I havent been able to enjoy even having Blu Ray since nearly 70% or more come cracked. I meant that after the hike, if 4 weeks later I am still receiving cracked and unplayable discs, I will be switching back to Blockbuster. I cant afford to pay for a service Im not actually getting. Its shrek the musical the measly one dollar that concerns me, its the fact that I enabled my account with no hint there would ever be a price hike. And like I said, most of the discs I get are cracked anyway, so paying extra just sucks. Im not sure why people are so disrespectful to those who dont like this change. There is one fact that drives me shrek the musical on this: 1 more a month for bluray when you may not even see a bluray disk in that month. Youre willing to pay extra for something that you dont even get to enjoy the benefit of? Please explain, to me it makes no sense.

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