Sling Blade I was surprised to

Sling Blade

I was surprised to see the old Kyoto covered with dense woods. Miyazaki Goro: Half of it is my imagination laughing. There was a climate change from the end of the Heian to the beginning of the Kamakura era. It caused disasters and famine. During the Heian era, it was much warmer than it is now and people wore less clothing. As it had passed more than 300 years after Kyoto was built, there must have been Sling Blade large old trees everywhere in Kyoto. And basically Kyoto was built in the wetland, it was a malarial area. Question: Hotta was not only a really great intelligentsia, but also had a human mind. For example, he romanced passionately. Miyazaki Goro: Indeed. He had much energy and was really passionate. Furthermore, he had both objectivity and subjectivity. Basically, the highbrows from his age are in another league to today. In terms of literature, music, there is a world of difference between them and us. Especially Hotta, who was born in a rich ship owner family, grew up surrounded by high-quality goods and very much had a sense of beauty. Question: Is it possible for us to have another Hotta in the 21st century? Miyazaki Goro: I dont think that ll be easy. That kind of intelligence was built on some sort of high-quality education and not at school. I can only say we should read classics. Question: We are looking forward to see Teika to Chomei to be filmed. Thank you very much. Note: Teika and Chomei lived from end of the Heian to the beginning of the Kamakura era. During the Heian era , which took place from 794 to 1192, the capital was set in Kyoto, which was then called Heian-kyo. During the Kamakura era , which took place from 1192 to 1333, the military government Sling Blade in Kamakura near Tokyo. 27th of October, ON YOUR MARK AT GHIBLI ASEMAMIRE: Yesterday Japanese radio listeners could yet again tune into another episode of Suzuki Toshio s radio talk show Ghibli Asemamire at Tokyo FM. As usual, brings coverage and during the week a podcast version will be available for download over here.

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