Solar fragment inside the circle

Solar fragment inside the circle

Blistering on lip is way down; still tender, but lots better what an improvement. Something I ve noticed, my fingernails seem to be stronger and better, there is also a shine to them. Something I ve noticed for the past 2 days now, having trouble typing, look right at what I type, seems to look fine, then with another look it s all scrambled and garbled and I have to retype it s like the mind is ahead of every thing else and the body has to catch up; this is different. 1:30 Noticed the boil-like sore is smaller, about the size of a dime; think it will go away in a few days. 3:30 Left side of head and eye still hurts, can t seem to shake it. Going to have to break down and take some feverfew. Inside solar fragment inside the circle arm feels like it s full of tiny cactus spines burning and prickly sensation. 6:08 Suddenly the high pitch ringing in left ear stopped; right ear sound is lower. Headache and eye pain is totally gone. There is a very high-pitched sound, no hissing or frying with it. Can t really tell where I m hearing it from. At first it seemed like it was coming from the back of my head now I can t pin point it. I miss the sound being loud; it s like it has been a companion and kept me company all these years and now it s so different. 6:20 Sound still the same, low volume but really high pitched, plug one ear and then the other, sound is equal in both ears, it s so soft yet so high. 6:30 The boil like sore on by bottom is totally GONE; no soreness or tenderness no nothing – as if it was NEVER there!! This is shocking, usually something like that lasts for a week or better, this was literally the size of a silver dollar as recorded at 8:30 this morning and now it is totally gone!! I m literally dumbfounded by both things happening; the loss of the loud ringing in my ears and now the big sore is just gone. This kind of thing has never happened to me before! So far today have had 3/4 of a gallon of the water. 7:30 Feel nauseated but not. Weak and shaky feeling, but not shaking just feels that way. Hot and steamy comes and goes quickly. Tummy has strange feeling as if strained, like lifting things, but doesn t hurt. Whole being/body feels different, tired feeling, really tired, almost like exhaustion has set in, but don t really feel sleepy like I want to go to bed, not easy to explain this. I want to laugh and make these short little sounds, like hmmmm, ahhhh, etc, this is really strange, I can t help it, I just want to laugh, guess I d better let it roll on out. 7:45 Feels like a flow or surge of energy through arms like there is strength there as if they were getting stronger. Also a feeling that goes up and around or inside of head, not through center of head though don t know how to explain that either. 8:15 I want to just sit, feel perfectly content to sit here and look around the room; this is really different for me. The burning sensation in my tummy is leaving, I feel really alert in the head, but the outside of me feels plain plum tuckered out. Both ears are ringing equally in sound and are slightly louder but not like the loudness I had before. Burning and prickly sensation on left arm is lessening beginning to feel a solar fragment inside the circle better.

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