The camel adaptation song Why?

The camel adaptation song

Why? Because if Im going to do all this work, writing, self-editing, social media, and marketing, I better get paid for it because I dont have time to do it for a measly. 95 per copy sold. Damn right Im Indiethat is, until a big publisher offers me a life changing contract. Anyway, Im excited about the release of my supernatural thriller, REUNION, which officially launches into space on April 15 In addition, Im about to embark on a 45-day blog tour: April 1 When Matthew heard what I was doing he asked if Id write a guest post about my experience. We decided that Id write a pre and post tour guest blog so the members of Indie Horror can get an idea what works and what doesnt when planning a book launch. Ill start by telling you what I did wrong with the release of my first book, Killing the Giants, a political thriller Aug 200 I paid to get my book published. That was my first mistake. Sure I kept all my royalties, blah, blah, blahbut I had to pay extra for every darn thing that I found out later was freelike the Kindle edition, Look Inside the book feature, etc yeah, I paid 99 for each option! I did not get my book professionally edited. I did not get a professional cover. I did not get pre-launch reviews. I did not study up on the Indie publishing industry. I knew nothing. I was dumb as a box of rocks as far as publishing is concerned. Killing the Giants is currently under revision construction. Now, fast-forward two years. Ive learned a lot from those mistakes. To begin with, because of a couple bad reviews, I began an intensive study regiment to improve my writing skills. I read four or five books on writing, editing, style, etc. I wrote every day and read more fiction than ever. And then, in my free time, if you want to call it that, I wrote two more novels: REUNION and my next book, coming in late 2011, Act of Vengeance. After writing A o V, I went back to Reunion, which was originally called David Rays 20 and started revising, editing, etc. And then by a stroke of luck, I won a free book edit that actually turned into two free edits long story, not going there. Then, when I knew that Reunion was starting to look pretty good, I began the planning process of my book launch. Heres what I think Im doing right. Ill let you know how it turns out in 45 days Started planning about 3-4 the camel adaptation song ahead. Original release date was April After editing was complete, I sent book to a final proofer. Cost me 1 I formatted my interior. I have a MAC so it was easy to transform file into a PDF. I studied The Book Designers Blog to learn which fonts to use. I did a temporary print run on Createspace so I could have a print copy to send out to reviewers. I had a contest at my blog The Writing Bomb to find the best cover. It worked great. My blog and twitter followers came up with a great concept and I tweaked it from there. Paid to get final book cover designed and in PDF format to fit 336 page paperback I prepared a PDF that was pretty darn close to the final version. Paid to get my book formatted into epub mobi formats I began the process of starting my own imprintNexgate Press. I built a website and bought my email and url I wrote up a Review Request PitchYeah, you gotta have that. Sending out a review request is sort of like sending out a query letter only less formal. But at this stage the print copy is CRITICAL, because many reviewers will not accept a digital copy. Many of the high volume review blogs require an Advance Review Copy, or ARC weeds out self-pubs. Major point here Get the book edited and formatted and in print even if its temporary before you send the camel adaptation song review requests. Id start this about 4-3 months before sending out requests.

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