The countess p07 Ive read that

The countess p07

Ive read that its more sluggish when accessing front panel buttons theres a delay which doesnt exist on the HD DVD players. Those whove nabbed a player have checked out the upscaling and results are varied. Im thinking the upscaling may be inferior to the Toshiba unit. In other words, Im thinking the upscaling may be inferior to the Toshiba unit since I disregard anything that was positive in regards to the Samsung unit seeing how the results are varied. Where did you hear about the supposed delay with the front panel buttons? AVS perhaps? From the same guy who gave us the number of units sold from Toshiba? Whatever man. AVOID The Fifth Element. Clearly its poorly encoded from the countess p07 Master. Sadly House of Flying Daggers isnt getting rave initial reviews. Could it be the player or the disc well know but HD Digest says that 50 First Dates looks much better so Im thinking its the encode process thats suffered on HOFD and TFE Is the Sammy unit worth 2x the Toshiba HD DVD. I dont think so. It lacks support for Dolby TrueHD and DTS HD. It has no ethernet port and the menus are a bit sluggish as well. However its the only Blu-Ray player in town and if you have to have it youll likely enjoy it very, I would encourage people to EMBRACE the Fifth Element and decide for themselves, not listen to you trying to inject Microsoft and Toshiba propaganda into their brain. I say, have consumers purchase it and decide for themselves, either that or go to Best Buy or some other electronics store and take a look. Moreover, how is it clearly poorly encoded from the Master when HD Digest itself said, Still, complaints aside, The Fifth Element does look very good, and this is hardly a bad transfer. It just is not the best that Blu-ray has to offer. Hmm? Answer, looks like someone is giving his version of objectivity again. Thanks, but no thanks. Furthermore, where did you get that the menus are a bit sluggish? Was this from the varied opinions on AVS again, with your inherent disregard of any possible positives in that respect? Most likely, I would gather. Audio? Read the review again, it stated that the Fifth Element sounded This disc produces one heck of an involving and enveloping soundfield, with full use of all channels for more than just the odd effect or music cue here or there. The sense of space and imaging to the mix is often quite stunning. If just this one disc is any indication, I can safely say after having reviewed a couple of dozen HD DVD titles that Blu-ray is certainly capable of delivering a soundtrack as good as any Ive heard on the rival format. So please, stop the incessant whining. And please spare us the price are in an early adoption market, start getting a clue. Blu-ray players are priced just like CD and DVD players were historically on launch. You dont like the price, dont buy one, or just wait for the PS3 which is sure to bury HD DVD entirely at 499 and And finally, if you are already not sold on the Samsung only after some opinions on some forums, then look into the Philips, the Pioneer, the Sony, and the Sharp players the countess p07 will be here soon, but Im sure youll probably have the same type of response as weve seen thus far. What was with the whole dispensing with the FUD card thing again? Yeah, yeah, more of the same from you. But its not like you can select one or the other based on price. Customers will have to go with the format that has the countess p07 movies they want. Within reason.

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