The eye of the tiger

The eye of the tiger lyrics

Sending all the wrong mental images to all the right minds. This movie was set in a time I know and it wasnt advertised as a zombie flick. It is a what if flick. What? Are you kidding? It was advertised as Danny Boyle re-invents zombie horror. Saying 28 Days Later wasnt advertised as a zombie movie is like saying Star Wars wasnt marketed as science fiction. Location: Plattsburgh, NY I thought it was a pretty good movie. I was wondering, though, how they did the shots of downtown London without anyone in them. I could understand a shot of the skyscrapers without lights. that could be done by computer graphics or models correct me if thats not how they did it, but how did they do the scenes where he is walking around downtown without anyone around and also with the added props like the trashed bus and other assorted post-riot trash. I posted in the other thread but dropped it since people were getting a wee bit defensive over the movie. I enjoyed the movie and thought it was well done to a point but do agree that it had serious problems. In the end, these problems can be overlooked and dont really detract too much from the movie. What I dont get are the people who feel the need to invent out of movie explanations for everything. The movie had plot holes, deal. Just send me to hell or New York City, it would be about the same to me Hank Williams Jr Im sure that some of the points being made about inconsistencies are on the mark. But screw that; i thought the movie was fantastic, and nothings gonna change my mind. God was my co-pilot, but we crashed in the Andes and i had to eat him. Location: Dublin, Ireland I thought it was a pretty good movie. I was wondering, though, how they did the shots of downtown London without anyone in them. I could understand a shot of the skyscrapers without lights. that could be done by computer graphics or models correct me if thats not how the eye of the tiger lyrics did it, but how did they do the scenes where he is walking around downtown without anyone around and also with the added props like the trashed bus and other assorted post-riot trash. They did it by filming very early in the morning. You will notice the the sun is quite loq in the scenes. The held the traffic and people back. They had quite a problem with drunk clubbers IIRC. They also did it quick. One of two attempts and that was it. Some of the scenes also had the cars and people digitally removed from the background. I really liked the film. Yeah it has plot holes but so what. I looked at it with my sister the eye of the tiger lyrics is a jumpy screamy wagon when looking at these types of movies. The movie freaked her out. Her reactions and the movie freaked me out. I looked at it to get a bit freaked out and it worked.

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