The game one blood official video

The game one blood official video

Is it possible that other surround sound editors got their player in 2009? Is it possible that other publications only took photos of the player without careful listening? Isnt the end result what matters even if we are discecting the Nth degree of performance at TREMENDOUS price differences? Posted on January 20, 2010 4:01 PM Ken is going to answer your questions hog as HE did the review not me. i have never played with a Lexicon other than at CEDIA in passing. The transport on the Lexicon is more quiet which is something that both Brian Kahn and Ken have commented on re: the Oppo. The build quality of the Lexicon is better. Better chassis. Less jitter. Less noise as I have been taught. I am not an EE. The Lexicon passes THXs VERY TOUGH certification. Oppo hasnt but likely would. The Lexicon and Oppp are sold to COMPLETELY different distribution channels. Oppo is an OEM unit and sold direct. The Lexicon is sold to brick and mortar and custom installers. Both are HIGHLY successful. Question for you Hog what Horse do you have in the race? If you think the Oppo is a better value why not buy it? I did but ken has it for review but will send it back NuForce mods. If the Lexicon is a stiff as you suggest wouldnt it die on the vine? We are the consumers. We vote with our economic ballots. That isnt enough? We need stores doing expose stories YET somehow MY publications reputation is in question? Surely, you must be joking. Surely, you have better things to do the game one blood official video your time? If not will you moderate a forum for me? Posted on January 20, 2010 4:07 PM You are a master of communicating virtually nothing with so many words. Why cant you answer my question directly? You say more the game one blood official video wrap one player inside of another, thicker shell, youll tend to get that. Not rocket science. You say, build better. Better chassis.

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