The graves part 1 So in my eyes, theyre a good thing

The graves part 1

So in my eyes, theyre a good thing. And yes, I am enamoured with the movie, because its a fantastic film. Technically, it was magnificent, and as a fan of zombie movies, it was a hell of a lot better than pretty much anything Ive seen over the past several years at least as far as serious zombie movies go. Again, every movie you see you have to just shrug and let things go by, otherwise you wouldnt be able to enjoy any movie. I dont find any of these unexplained mysteries jarring or detrimental to the structure of the film. Sending all the wrong mental images to all the right minds. Didnt we talk about this already, EER? You and I seem to have signifigantly different ideas about what constitutes a truly watertight narrative. See, the fact that there are these dead bodies just lying around Im talking about the ones at the diner, not Jims family that so obviously arent infected can come across as a little jarring when the central idea of this story is a virus that has turned people into raging maniacs. People who havent become infected, but are still dead, are a cipher, do you see? A question mark whose existence can only be explained through speculation, such as the kind you offered in your post but we shouldnt have to shrug our shoulders and say, Who knows? Theyre just there. If the writer had constructed his story in such a way as to make clear what could happen to a person in this movie in any given situation be they infected, killed, feeling a little blue, what have you well, then, to put it simply, none of these nagging But I dont get threads would exist! This just doesnt make any sense. People who are dead but uninfected arent a cipher. People were dying before the Rage virus was released, people continue to die after the Rage virus burns itself out. Once society started collapsing in earnest, death from lack food, water, shelter, basic medical care, or any of a thousand other mortal dangers that weve all forgotten about thanks to the benefits of civilization is going to be just as pandemic as the hordes of vomitting zombies. Besides which, a big part of the atmosphere of 28 Days Later is the sense of not knowing whats going on. El Elvis Rojo touched on this, but a big part of the impact of the movie comes from the feeling that were only seeing a tiny part of an enormous story. The dead family at the diner is a mystery because theres no one left to tell their story. Theyve been wiped out, the memory of who they were and what they did and how they died has been lost forever. And thats repeated an uncountable number of times across the bredth of the British Isles. If Boyle had tried to explain every single scene like this, it would have ruined the film, because the it depends on the sense of being lost and confused to deliver its emotional impact. Every movie ever made relies on the audience making some inferred conclusions. If a guy draws a gun and starts shooting, the audience isnt going to think, Hey, we never saw him put bullets in that gun! What gives? In 28 Days Later, we see a dead family that doesnt appear to have been infected by Rage. Obviously, they were killed by some other side effect of the total breakdown of society. A description of what, exactly, did them in is entirely unnecessary: the point is, even if you can survive the zombies, youre still probably going to die anyway. And no one will ever know, and no one will ever care. Oh, and Elvis, I think that the kid in the dinner does, indeed, say I hate you to Jim, and its not supposed to be just in his head. What I took from that is that the virus doesnt make you mindless, it just makes you so totally consumed with anger that you want to destroy everything and everyone around you, but its still you in there doing all these horrible things. Thats a perfect example of what I was talking about above, how by not explaining everythingin torturous detail enhances the film. Instead of having a scientist character show up to drop an exposition bomb, or interrogating the zombie chained up in the courtyard, or any of that. Instead you get one quick throw-away line of dialogue, and the audience is left thinking, Wait, did that zombie just talk? But that The ramificatons, rather than being spelled out, are implied, which is far more frightening. What I dont get are the people who feel the need to invent out of movie explanations for everything. The movie had plot holes, deal. I dont think that it had any major plot holes, for the reasons Ive covered in freakish detail in my earlier posts. A good movie doesnt explain everything that happens: it trusts its audience to have enough intelligence to figure out that which is not explicitly stated. A good movie engages the audiences imagination, and leaves them thinking about it. Sometimes its about the themes or subtext of the film Is it morally right to sacrifice five soldiers lives to save one private?, sometimes its about plot elements that werent explained in the movie Where do you think those giant burrowing worms came from in the first place?. This is precisely what made 28 Days Later such an interesting movie: it didnt explain every little detail, and left it up to the audience to fill in the holes with their own conjecture. As a side note, I thought the note Jims parents left him was one of the most heart-rending things Ive ever heard in a movie. Imagine how much life must suck if your most fervent wish is for your only child to remain in a persistent vegetative state. All times are GMT The time now is 05:47 AM. 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