The land before time iii the time of the great giving part 1

The land before time iii the time of the great giving part 1

This does not come with an HDMI cable. But I do not know of any BDP s that come with HDMI s. I strongly recommend getting this HDMI cable because it works great and is among the very best quality and price. You and your family will enjoy your Sony BDP for years and years because it is fun to use, easy, and offers superior picture and sound fidelity. Remember, you are what you buy. I got this player for Christmas for myself, my dad and my brother. I was going to get the next model down without the streaming, but boy am I glad I got this one. I started out with a Blue Ray of Up. The picture quality is amazing on BR. I am using an HDMI connection directly to a Sony 1080p LCD 46 tv. So I m getting a true the land before time iii the time of the great giving part 1 source. Looks great. The only think is the Blue Rays take a little time to load. Probably not more than 10 or 20 seconds, so no big deal there. I have since watched Night at the Museum II and Star Trek, all looked fantastic on Blue Ray. You can really get a bright, sharp picture without any artifacts etc I had initially not really wanted to get a streaming player since my previous experiences with Netflix streaming were very poor. However, my instant queue is nicely arranged with movie thumbnails and summaries once you click on a movie. Very nicely laid out. Now, I figured when I tried to watch a movie, either the picture quality would stink, the movie would stutterbuffer occasionally or constantly, or both. I was SHOCKED to see that the picture quality is VERY close to standard DVD might even be just about the same and NO STUTTERING or BUFFERING AT ALL, through an ENTIRE MOVIE. Now, I am one that if I am going to take the time to sit down and watch a movie the the land before time iii the time of the great giving part 1 is basically ruined if the movie skips, stutters, buffers, etc I have watched a dozen movies and shows so far and no problems. I am truly amazed at the progress that Netflix has made with their streaming technology. Now, not all streaming was great. I actually first tried to stream GhostBusters one of the Free movies under the sony streaming site. It played okay for 15 or 20 minutes but then started buffering constantly. So that was a disappointment. Obviously there is something better about the Netflix streaming technology over the Sony streaming, be it file format, servers, or whatever. I have also watched some of the other free streaming media they have available on the player. Most of them are okay quality, usually they only use a portion of the screen unless you zoom your tv. That s okay I guess if you are just looking at internet video. Some quality was better then others, which is to be expected. Overall the other stuff is just a bonus, I can t see myself using it that much. I have not yet tried the Amazon On Demand, but I plan to. The problem with Netflix streaming is that there just aren t that many movies available. It s great when they have one you want to see since it is included as part of your membership, but there just aren t many available yet.

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