The ninth gate movie JKR: He

The ninth gate movie

JKR: He Dumbledore is my character, and as my character I have the the ninth gate movie to say what I say about him. Most of the tweaking of the epilogue was to remove information; the biggest change was the addition of information about Teddy Lupin. Rowling still plans on working on a Hogwarts encyclopedia, the ninth gate movie not immediately. Hermione would read Margaret Atwoods books; Harry and Ron dont read much as adults. TLC has a report of the evening reading and is working on a full transcript. Some highlights Neville is married to Hannah Abbott, the new landlady of the Leaky Cauldron making him extra cool with the students because he lives above the pub. Molly was the one to finish off Bellatrix to demonstrate her other talents, and to show the clash of loves, Bellatrixs obsession with Voldemort and Mollys maternal love. To an 8 year old questioner, she said that Aberforths goat charm was to make a goat that was easy to keep clean with curly horns. Dumbledore is gay, and fell in love with Grindelwald, adding to his horror when Grindelwald later showed his true nature. Ron was able to duplicate the parseltongue word for Open after hearing Harry say it, but he wouldnt be able to speak to snakes. Dumbledore persuaded Petunia to take Harry in, by appealing to the part of her that had wanted to go to Hogwarts and be a part of the magical world and hated Lily unjustly because she couldnt. The horcrux part of Harry wasnt destroyed in Chamber of Secrets, because Fawkes healed Harry before the damage was irreparable. James supported Lupin financially, as he was unemployable. James, Lily, Sirius and Remus were full time Order fighters. Hagrid never married, and James and Lily went into hiding shortly after Lily became pregnant with Harry. She decided not to kill off Arthur in book 5, because it would have killed off a lot of Rons humour, which comes from insensitivity and immaturity, and she didnt want him to grow up until the final book. She also wanted to finish with an orphan Teddy to mirror Harry. and The Leaky Cauldron have the first two reports on Rowlings visit to New York this morning there is another one tonight. It looks like there were some very good questions. MTV also have a report. Jo married Harry Potter, describing Harry as a really good and gutsy person. She also dated a few Ron Weasleys, describing Ron as very funny but insensitive, with a lot of immaturity, which is where a lot of the humour comes from. Also Hes not much fun to date, but hes great as a friend. Dudley and Harry exchanged Christmas cards, their children dont like each other very much, but their were some slightly awkward family get togthers. Harry and Ginny the ninth gate movie real soul mates. Theyre both very strong and very passionate. Thats their connection, and theyre remarkable together. Ron and Hermione, however, are drawn to each other because they balance each other out. Hermiones got the sensitivity and maturity thats been left out of Ron, and Ron loosens up Hermione a bit, gets her to have some fun.

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