The one i love david

The one i love david gray

Basically I just need to know the best way to not have a bad smell down there. Thanks! t178155 To copy and paste it highlight the address and press Ctrl and c. Then delete the address in the web browsers Address window and with the cursor still in that window press Ctrl and v. Then press the Enter key. Thats on a PC. There must be similar shortcuts on a Mac but I dont know them. Soap can actually cause an inmbalance in the natural flora and cause bad smells sometimes. Hey I think my penis may have BO or something I have heard about this being common for uncut guys and I need some help. Do I just wash it with water, use soap or anything else? Soap and water works wonders. I used to be uncut Im 18 by the way but got circumcised about a year ago. If you can pull the foreskin all the way back over the head of your penis, when you shower just wash your penis with soap and water, especially around the head. Avoid using the anti-bacterial soaps, like Dial, since they tend to be stronger and use a milder soap instead. Also after I take a piss wont it end up smelling bad cause sometimes a little more comes out after I am done how do I fix this. I used to pull the foreskin back before taking a whiz just because otherwise I always had to deal with the spray factor for lack of a better term. Then Id just shake the rest off. If you do that and use a mild soap to wash your penis when showering, you should be okay in the penis hygiene department. Sometimes when I the one i love david gray under the foreskin there is a slimy like substance but its not precum I dont know what it is. Basically I just need to know the best way to not have a bad smell down there. Thanks! What youre referring to underneath your foreskin is smegma which, as I understand it, is just a natural secretion of the sebaceous glands and is something that occurs in both women and in uncircumcised men. At least, I havent noticed any smegma on my penis since getting circumcised. Ive never noticed smegma on a girl, and Ive looked for it too, though every girl Ive ever had sex with was turned off by the smegma on my penis, despite the fact that there was never very much smegma there to be turned off by. Mine the one i love david gray to accumulate right on the underside of the head and Id wash it off every day, sometimes more than once a day, since Im physically active and always take two, and sometimes three, showers daily. Id just pull the foreskin back and wash the one i love david gray soap and water and if I noticed any smegma down there, Id be sure to wash it off. Pretty basic stuff, actually. Nothing worse than having a dialog with your girlfriend about suffering from stinky penis syndrome. An clean uncut penis has no more smell than a clean cut one. Both cut and uncut smell if not washed! Wash daily with soap and water, rinse well. Skin back before urinating.

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