The only good indian is a dead indian

The only good indian is a dead indian

This became a historical move because one week later, the Uncut Title changed hands 7 times in a matter of 10 minutes. Two weeks later, the 24/7 rule was done away with, but a 24/7 Match was set up to give a grand finale to the ruling. In this match, a masked man entered the ring and pinned reigning co-champion JT Lamotta to win the title. When Uncut came back the next year, the masked man revealed himself to be Scotty Kuzma. On January 7, PCW Owner Thomas Bussey stripped all Uncut Titles. There would be a tournament to decalre the new Tag Team Champions, and a battle royal that night to find a 1 contender to face his hand-picked opponent, Damien. Former Uncut Champion Symetrico won the battle royal, but lost to Damien that night, and a new champion was crowned. Damien would lose the title to Chris Richter, who had won his first Uncut title during the 24/7 era. He would lose the title at PCW Genocide on March 19, the first time the Uncut Title had been defended on a Full Throttle supershow. The man who dethroned Richter was fan-favorte Mace Malone. When Thomas Bussey stripped the Uncut Tag Team Titles from the Browns for a 2nd time, he declared a the only good indian is a dead indian tag team tournament to crown the new champions, with the finals to take place on January Before the tournament started, Graham Turner came out and demanded that G-Slice and JT Lamotta put their differences aside and team up for the tournament, or face termination from their contract. Despite multiple disputes, Lamotta and Slice were able to make it to the finals, facing an unlikely team of Jiggle-O James Johnson and Dick Loin. Slice and Lamotta prevailed and held the tag titles for 4 weeks, until they lost the straps to Johnson and Loin. The last team to win the Uncut Tag Team Titles was the Overboyz, Joey Corman and Samir. In a One-Pin-Wins Gauntlet Match, Corman pinned Dave Dunnings and won the titles without ever pinning the champions. Despite being one of the longest-reigning champions, they only defended the belts twice in the 10 weeks they were champions. On June 24, Joey Corman came out alone before a Triple Threat Match for the titles, spit on them, and threw them to the ground. This was the last of the Uncut Tag Team Titles. When Mace Malone won the title, he in essence carried the torch for Uncut, showing it has superstars of its own aside from Full Throttle. Malone had a great run as champion until a young Canadian named Robert Evans came on the scene to Uncut. From the start, Evans and Malone had a rivalry even before Malone had captured the gold. So it was only fitting that Evans would try to take what Mace had worked so hard for in the past. On April 8, these two squared off for the Uncut Title, but the ending was a No Contest after Mike Foxx interfered in the match. This would set up a rematch at Criminal Behavior with No Disqualification Rules. Again, it was the interference by Mike Foxx that led to the downfall of Malone, as Robert Evans won the PCW Uncut Title. Since May 6, Robert Evans has defended his title with confidence, claiming to be the Master of the Universe and a devine-right champion. Several times he has come close to losing it, but kept it due to controversial calls from the referee. Evans has defended the title against the likes of Mace Malone, Stephen Murphy, Kevin Paine, King Richard, and Claudia. Recently, Evans held the Robert Evans Open, which allowed anyone to come in and wrestle him for the title. He beat the likes of Uncut veterans Livewire and Tejano Kid, fan-favorite Trey Man, the crazy Mad Dogg 50, and the unknown Triple XXX-treme and Matrix. Evans has actually wrestled and lost to a crash pad in a non-title match, proclaiming it as his the only good indian is a dead indian opponent to date. Evans was the longest-reigning champion in Uncut history at 31 weeks. He lost the title on December 9 at Zero Hour. In a Fatal 4-Way Elimination Match between Evans, Trey Man, Chris Richter, and Triple XXX-treme, Richter was eliminated by DQ and Evans pinned Triple XXX-treme. But it was Trey Man who shocked the world and got the pin on Evans, caputring the Uncut Title. On November 18, Commissioner Paul Lewis announced that the Uncut Tag Team Titles were being brought back. He awarded them to the self-proclaimed best tag team on Uncut, Brandon Collins and Nobe Elite. During the ceremony, Matrix interupted and challenged them to a title match the next week against him and his partner, Triple XXX-treme. They went on to easily defend their titles against the only good indian is a dead indian extreme duo, and then defended them against the crazy antics of Trey Man and Jumbo. Their reign ended on December 9 at Zero Hour when they were defeated by Kevin Paine and Stephen Murphy. This will be Paines first title in PCW, and Murphys second Cruiserweight.

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