The quick and the dead love scene

The quick and the dead love scene

Studios like Sony, Universal, Warner Brothers and Fox are now releasing some of their movies On Demand two months after they premiere in theaters. Smaller companies like IFC release their films on demand before they open in theaters and the latest experiment comes from Summit Entertainment which will be releasing Duncan Jones sophomore effort Source Code on demand July 8, two weeks before it arrives on Blu-ray July What exactly do they expect that to accomplish? Find out after the break. Read More UPDATE : The Hollywood Reporter now says that The Lion King will be getting a full theatrical 3D re-release on September 16 leading up to the Blu-ray release October Read more about the update after the jump. Original article follows. When Disney released The Lion King in 1994, they were kicking on all cylinders. They d recently released The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast and Aladdin but after the quality of those films, a follow-up seemed impossible. However, The Lion King delivered big time and to this day remains one of Disney s most successful films of all time. Though it had a very solid DVD release in 2003, that disc is now out of print so Disney will officially re-release the film not only on Blu-ray, but on 3D Blu-ray later this fall. Yes, The Lion King is getting a 3D post-conversion. They re even re-releasing the film theatrically, in 3D, at at least one location, Disney s flagship theater, the El Capitan in Hollywood CA from September 2 through October Want to get even more excited? Check out the trailer for the 3D release after the break. Read More We re not even halfway through 2011, but it s safe to say that Zack Snyder s Sucker Punch has been one of the year s the quick and the dead love scene disappointments. When Snyder premiered footage from the film at San Diego Comic Con 2010, many fans myself included ate it up, anticipating a mind-bending, genre-blending, roller coaster ride of geeky goodness and that anticipation built with each and every piece of material released. Then the film came out. And it was incoherent, boring and frankly tame. Maybe that ll change on June 28 when Warner Bros. releases an R-rated, extended cut of the film on the Blu-ray with an extra 18 minutes of footage. After the jump, read about one of the extended scenes and more. Read More For the better part of two decades, three letters defined home entertainment: VHS. The the quick and the dead love scene format carved a very important niche in movie history and then, in what seemed like an instant, disappeared. Phrases like video stores, be kind rewind, tracking and late fees were simply removed from the film geek lexicon. Thanks DVD. As most of us threw out our VCR s in favor of the quick and the dead love scene newer, cheaper, more reliable format, others were simply too attached and invested. They craved the days when buying a movie wasn t as cool as getting a blank tape and recording off HBO. As it stands now, VHS is a dying and therefore collectible format. Best known for their incredibly popular posters, Mondo has decided to bask in that 80s and 90s nostalgia and launch their very own VHS label called Mondo Video. Their first release comes out this week, the 1983 cult horror film Sledgehammer which was shot on tape. The VHS release coincides with not only the film s DVD release but a screening at the Drafthouse in Austin. Check out the box art, a clip from the movie and much more after the jump. Read More All names, trademarks and images are copyright their respective owners. Affiliate links used when available. Experience Blu-ray Disc movies in Full HD 1080p quality with stunning HD sound that supports enhanced audio formats including Dolby TrueHD and dts-HD Master Audio. You can also play and upscale your DVDs to near high definition. Connect to the internet and instantly stream thousands of movies, videos, music and more from Netflix, YouTube, Slacker and other leading content providers with the Sony BDP-N460 Network Blu-ray Disc player.

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