The rock vs triple h iron man match

The rock vs triple h iron man match

After digesting the already massive Alien Quadrilogy DVD box set, I didnt think I could be surprised anymore. Well, color me surprised. One things for sure: You Alien fans are going to absolutely lose your cool over this set. Ill personally be watching this baby for DAYS. Somewhere in there, I might even sleep a little. But I doubt it. Enjoy the and have a great weekend! All right, this Friday early post is going to be a very quick one, as we just got our hands on Foxs Alien Anthology Blu-ray box set! Im going to try to get a review up by this evening, so do check back later. Meanwhile, our mad Dr. Jahnke has delivers his Hell Plaza Oktoberfest review of the day for you, in the form of Shout! Factorys the rock vs triple h iron man match Roger Cormans Cult Classics DVD release of The Slumber Party Massacre Collection ! As it says right there on the packaging, these are The Ultimate Driller Killer Thrillers! Youve got to love it when B-horror titles aspire to something, you know? Anyway, enjoy! In release news today, IFC has set Marina de Vans Dont Look Back for DVD release on 11/16, followed by Johnnie Tos Vengeance Kristian Levrings Fear Me Not, Andrew Cull and Steve Isles The Possession of David OReilly and Stuart Hazeldines EXAM on 11/ Sony has also confirmed Mother and Child for DVD and Blu-ray release on 12/ And Adult Swims Freaknik: The Musical streets on DVD on 10/26 via Warner. All right, check back later today probably later in the afternoon or early evening and I just might have a review of Alien Anthology up for you. All first up today, we hope youll enjoy Dr. Jahnkes Hell Plaza Oktoberfest review for the day, which is none other than MGM and Foxs Invasion of the Body Snatchers on Blu-rayDVD Combo! This is the fine Philip Kaufman remake from 1978, and its a great little horror gem. It also looks fantastic on Blu-ray, so do check it out. Now then, while were talking the studio has informed us that there are brand new bonus features you can access on your original Avatar Blu-ray via BD-Live right now, today. If you have a BD-Live capable player with a network connection, when you insert your disc into the player a LIVE EXTRAS option will appear in the main menu. If you select this, new content will quickly download, allowing you to access preview video clips from the forthcoming Avatar: Collectors Edition Blu-ray. Among the videos you can watch now are a clip from a new CE extended scene part of Jakes bar fight from the alternate and I think much better opening to the film, a clip from the CE s Users Guide for Avatar Deleted Scenes, and a Kauai clip from one of of the documentaries on the new set. Two more exclusive preview clips will be available on 10/26, two more on 11/2 and three more on 11/ Youll get more exclusive new content each the rock vs triple h iron man match leading up to the 11/16 release of the Collectors Edition itself. And you can chose to either download the clips to your player in high quality, or stream them for faster access. Ive watched it myself today and its pretty cool stuff. Do check it out. Speaking of Avatar, I actually just attended James Camerons Avatar Media Day for the upcoming release, so Ill have more on all this very soon. And in a bit of other news today, DreamWorks How to Train Your Dragon is apparently selling very as it should, given that its a great little film. More here at Home Media.

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