The terminal

The terminal soundtrack

Macroblocking, which can often be a huge problem in this type of dark photography, was a non-issue. Excessive film grain was never a problem and edge enhancement was also absent. Depth of field, shadow detail and delineation was excellent as well. While the transfer seems to be about as good as it could ever hope to be in a film this dark, it just doesnt leave you with a particular sense of awe. Then again, I dont think its supposed to. In that respect, Dark Water succeeds wildly at recreating the theatrical experience. Dark Water features a lot of ambient sound effects and minimal use of the surround channels. More often than not, the surrounds are used to simply fill the rear of the soundstage with orchestral effects used to heighten tension. Dialogue is always crisp and perfectly intelligible. The PCM audio feature is clearly more refined than the Dolby Digital track. The soundstage is wider and the large amount of symphonic music in the film is nicely represented. Again, theres nothing wrong the terminal soundtrack the sound in this movie, per se it just isnt very exciting and I felt that it really could have been in many places. Dark Water gives us a whopping two deleted scenes, an analysis of two shots from the film with commentary and quite possibly the worst extra Ive ever seen: the Movie Showcase. Im not sure what they were trying to accomplish with this feature, but all it does when selected is give the viewer 3 scene options to choose from and then simply plays the scene directly from the movie. No commentary, no storyboards, no explanation! What is the point? The two deleted scenes are really just extensions of scenes from the final cut and add nothing to the plot or feel of the movie. At the end of the day, I just cant recommend Dark Water. While the video is certainly exceptional, the story is just too convoluted and melodramatic. Fine acting and interesting the terminal soundtrack will get you part of the way, but story is the key. Unfortunately, in this regard, Dark Water falls the terminal soundtrack too short. The best Blu-ray deals online. Dont miss out on these great deals. No related news posts for Dark Water Blu-ray yet. We do not share your email and you may unsubscribe at any time.

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