The wild stallion You are much stronger than you think

The wild stallion

You are much stronger than you think. You may feel now that you will never get completely over the ending of the relationship. Dear Friend, you are still locked behind the invisible bars your own mind has created. You alone hold the power to release yourself. Read this the wild stallion to learn more about this topic: How to Leave a Narcissist. Do not give in, do not succumb to the depression. To learn more about controlling ones emotions instead of letting the emotions control you, read this article: How to Control Negative Emotions. Dear Friend, I am so sorry to hear what you have been through. I know how deep the mental wounds are after having experienced such dishonesty and mental abandonment. You say you feel sorry you are now living in a remote location, far from your friends and children. Is there no way you could move to another location? If you stay in your present location it is harder for you to recover, because everything reminds you of the life you planned to have with your ex husband. I wish there would be a way for you to change the environment. I believe that would be extremely beneficial for you. I know it can be very challenging, depending on your possibilities of getting a job elsewhere. But as the saying goes, where there is a will, there is a way. Dear Friend, you have stayed in that place for years. You are still feeling torn inside. Please see if there is a way for you to relocate yourself. Talking about sayings, sometimes when I have been feeling down it has been very helpful and encouraging to listen to a good song. There are many great songs in this world that can give hope and inspire people during various circumstances. There are many songs that can inspire and encourage people on their journey to the light, away from the dark realms of depression, out of the world of a narcissist that has nothing to offer but more pain and despair. I decided to post here the words of one song that inspired me see below. I wish these words will give strength to all those of you who are trying to free yourself from the mental hooks a narcissist has embedded into your brain. The song is called The First of Me. You can probably find in online and listen to it, if you like I also put address below to a page where you can listen to it. The words are as if directly written to all of us, who have been struggling or are still struggling in a relationship with a narcissistic person. Each word, each sentence in this song touched me. Listening to this song gave me strength during my moments of weakness. It can do the same for you. If you want to listen to this song, do so with good headphones, otherwise the quality is not so good. You can listen to it here: watch?vFTKGUz9nKDc featurerelated Just copy-paste that link to your browsers navigation bar. The beginning of the song is soft, but it grows stronger as it goes on. Just like you do! To temptation, admiration If you wish to submit your own story and get feedback and support for your situation or if you wish to contact me for any other reason, send me email to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Please input the anti-spam code that you can read in the image. Copyright 2011 Cheating Infidelity Narcissism. All Rights Reserved. today i am posting this topic beacause that we all know that gkd will end on 27 on this forum we all have many fnds so becoz of ending of gkd we cannot break our frndship so i want to discuss that how we will meet with each other. so please msmarple, coolguy3, Kalitondra, Sidda8, jasveensokhi, nandini, BenNevis, Vistaa, joliefille, rainurubal, ozzy88, KriYalife, danno, prasht, yoga23priya, Dear Guest, Being an unregistered member you are missing out on participating in the lively discussions happening on the topic after ending the gkd in Gunahon Ka Devta forum. In addition you lose out on the fun interactions with fellow members and other member exclusive features that India-Forums offer. Don t get deprived of not being a part of the Indias most popular discussion portal on Indian Entertainment. Its FREE and registration is effortless so JOIN NOW ! pinky, thanks for this topic, even I dont want to depart from all of you after GKD. Cant we still keep this forum running with activities, os, and ff because the mjht forum exists and it ended in november. luv the topic, kyun ki me 2 had a same idea, as u know i m new in the wild stallion forum, nd GKD forum is my first forum, like girls, like how they received me, i have now naya dosts, nd i m so happy for tht, esliye don t want lost them, now don t have any idea, but ll back with it, thanks again, u know dosti don t have rang, ya roop, it s just a good feel, allah ki duaaa that no one shall be deprived of his friend, good nite jaime ton message, parce que moi aussi jai pens a, comme tu sais, je suis nouvelle dans le forum, et GKD forum est mon premier forum, jai aim comment les filles mont reues, jai maintenant de nouveaux amies, et je suis trs contente de a, cest pourquoi je ne veux pas les perdre, maintenant je nai pas dide, mais je reviendrai avec une, merci encore, tu sais lamiti na pas de couleur, na pas de vissage, cest juste un bon sentiment, je pries Allah que personne ne soit priv de son ami, bonne nuit thanx ozzy, kali, sidda, rubal and full for comnimg here but set one forum for coming Limit search to this Forum only. Pankaj Bhatia, Sanjay Swaraj to join hands with Kunal Verma 15 As per the latest buzz, Ashish Sharma is very close to bagging 108 Be the part of Indias biggest discussion portal.

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