True romance silverstein After

True romance silverstein

After 3 weeks Im returning mine too, going back to AT T and iphone bliss. I had more dropped calls, browser crashed, true romance silverstein crashed, battery was ok. lol if you are complaining about dropped calls with Verizon then AT T is going to be a nightmare. With that being said, these why I returned my Incredible threads are pretty much pointless. I disagree kinda. Ive not got the DI yet because its been out of stock and I didnt want to mail order and Ive been busy blah blah My point is I try to keep up on this forum so I know the good and bad of what people have experienced when I hopefully sometime soon find an actual DI in my local VZW store, Ill be able to get it and then check out the issues to see if they effect me or not. no, great. Yes, return in 30 if needed Devices: Rooted Incredible SkyRaider 0 Vanilla I am returning mine because I dont think we will have root. I know there was supposed to be some progress made but from reading xda it does not look like it worked. Without root you are stuck waiting for HTC/Verizon to decide to send you updates. That is not good enough for me. Android moves fast and I need a phone that can move with it. I am not going to T-Mo or dropping nearly 600 on a phone N1 so I will retreat to my trusty WinMo phone until something better comes along which I am sure it will. You bought a phone with the hopes that somebody out there would be able to exploit the OS without knowing if it could really be done and now youre upset about it? lol, thats funny. Yeah 2-3 days of use with any smartphone would be asking for a lot. Seriously doubt that will every happen because that would be one less way to make money off of accessories. If your gonna have a smart phone then your most definitely gonna want to get a spare battery. Devices: Incredible, gTablet lol if you are complaining about dropped calls with Verizon then AT T is going to be a nightmare. iphone bliss gives away the intent of the post. Too many contradictions in just two words lol if you are complaining about dropped calls with Verizon then AT T is going to be a nightmare. well if the signal level is the same then there will be a lot more dropped calls but a carrier does better true romance silverstein the other carrier in certain areas. At my house it doesnt matter the carrier, signal sucks. Damn mountains. I love all of these people going nuts over the battery life under normal use. If you use your phone for a few hours a day phone calls, texts, some web, emails, etc I have had no problems going form 6am until 10pm with at least 15% or more life left. Whats the real need for having 2-3 days of a charge which you wont get from just about any newage phone you use often??? Are you living in a tent or something? Regardless of where you live or if you must travel for work are outlets everywhere. Am I missing something? I charge my phone everynight. If you travel a a car charger. If your out and about and a businessman theres a 80% chance you have a laptop. So use the supplied USB charger. I get the fact that no one wants to have a phone that needs charging every 4 hours but thats really not the case here. The OP makes it seem like you cant take this phone off the charger. And why even tell us your leaving for another phone? Should we be responding to you begging to come back to us? The OP needs the new Droid Magnifico from Verizon, it is made out of unobtanium, has 25 inch super AMOLED screen that can shrink down to 1 inches to fit nicely in your pocket, runs on a 8 Ghz Intel i15 processor, 128GB of memory, 4 TB internal phone storage with a 32 TB SuperTinyMicroSD card, with a battery that supports 1 Month of heavy use without a recharge, and weighs no more than a pencil. This phone also has a 2 Megapixel Cam on it with 2160P recording and output, and last but not least 1 Dolby surround sound. Retails for only 99 w/no contract. running Android 8 Tiramisu this is my true romance silverstein smart phone and 8th phone in the last 10 years. a good camera capable of 3 MP or more let me say after 28 days i LOVE android completely and totally, my phone next and future will be android only. I love the O/S I do not however like my hardware its on. lasts a day with Auto brightness, ALL SYNCs OFF.

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