When Soldiers Cry I love

When Soldiers Cry

I love DTS-MA and Dolby TrueHD, but if downloading wont provide them, that would bother me. However, general public may Sometimes, new technology isnt necessarily a better technology. When BD finally dies off in 20 years, well just switch to cutting edge download technology that promises up to 10mbps bandwith streaming in almost real time. It isnt the size of the disk that counts, but how you use it. 4K cinema at 60mbps, coming soon to a kiosk near you. 5 years in tech is an eternity. And how long has 720p/1080i HD technology been around? How long has it been since HDTV first hit the consumer market? How long did it take CD to become adopted? Consumer products usually cant upgrade at the pace of technologies progression. Once a standard has penetrated the consumer market and the cost of these products are substancial, frequent upgrades do not occur. 1080p LCD Plasma will be around for a long while even though other high resolution technogoly is around the corner. If/when blu-ray achieves When Soldiers Cry adoption, its going to stick around for quite a while. 4k Technology will take over and well all upgrade our systems once again despite the fact that 4k isnt all that much of a jump from 2k at normal viewing distances. The allure of 4k will be too much to pass up. 4k Technology will take over and well all upgrade our systems once When Soldiers Cry despite the fact that 4k isnt all that much of a jump from 2k at normal viewing distances. The allure of 4k will be too much to pass up. Exactly. 4k 2 of the 1080p images presented in 3D. You need a display technology capable of 240 Hz and DLP is it. For most cases, deeper grayscale and a wider color gamut would be a bigger improvement than increased resolution. I am sure it will be protein disks or those holo disks. Of course, we may have another format war. Quad High Definition Blu Ray versus Protein Disks. Of course, people will say that we need to go with bluray because it is backwards compatible and costs less while those on the Protein side will say it is the format of the future and there is no sense putting a next generation video on an od generation medium. And then there will be studio buyouts until finally Taco Bell decides the next format war through back hand dealing. And in the end, all companies will be Taco Bell. Be well John Spartan. PCs: 10, Mame Arcade:1, HD HTPC: 1, WHS Server: 1, HD A3: 1, DV-HD805: 1 And how long has 720p/1080i HD technology been around? How long has it been since HDTV first hit the consumer market? How long did it take CD to become adopted? Consumer products usually cant upgrade at the pace of technologies progression. Once a standard has penetrated the consumer market and the cost of these products are substancial, frequent upgrades do not occur. 1080p LCD Plasma will be around for a long while even though other high resolution technogoly is around When Soldiers Cry corner.

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