When soldiers cry trailer official

When soldiers cry trailer official

I can tell that, thats all you own too. Who cares? HD-DVD is dead anyway. You can download HD movies on Xbox Live without buying either a Blu-Ray or HD-DVD drive anyway. Who cares? Wireless isnt needed and eithernet is faster anyway. Who cares? Like already mentioned, its aleady included in the 99 one anyway. So that just leaves the better online and more games for the cheaper Xbox 360, which Id rather have over a Wifi and and HD-DVD/Blu-ray drive anyday. I just defunked your whole comment. Nope, not the 399 one. Who cares anyway I bought a 360 for 360 games, I bought a PS2 for PS2 games and I bought an Xbox for Xbox games. No need for backwards compatible. Uhhh, the 360 does 1080p too with HDMI. You probably dont even have an 1080p HDTV. Remember that Panasonic tv you took a picture of with your Sony Cybershot? Sorry that tv only does 720p, Dave. Understandable but the xbox360 never claimed it would be fully backward compatible either. I think maybe MS next console maybe it will have a blu-ray drive but to develop a new console with blu-ray this early? Not a good idea UNLESS it is an add on, its reasonable, and the games show there is a benefit for it. I can tell. I can tell that, thats all you own too. No Jacka its not all I own. I have 4 Consoles. Who cares? HD-DVD is dead anyway. You can download HD movies on Xbox Live without buying either a Blu-Ray or HD-DVD drive anyway. If you took the 10 seconds to read my post, you would have seen that I posted that HDDVD was dead and could only really be a benefit to upscale your movies. Plus, I would rather HAVE the BLU-RAY or HDDVD Drive in my Console then spend on adding it. Who cares? Wireless isnt needed and eithernet is faster anyway. Wireless is convenient for those that the Router is 100ft away. Lets see, run a 100 feet of cable, or turn the wireless on, I think the decision is simple! Who cares? Like already mentioned, its already included in the 99 one anyway. Sony did not make the Hard Drive and Option on their low end PS The low end 360, it is an OPTION, hence 99! I bought the PS3 to play PS3 games, but I also bought it to be my BLU-RAY player and a Media Center. The market anymore is to have these consoles as a MediaAll in one Center. And MY PS3 the 499 80GB version is Backward compatible. If you read the spec sheet of the 399 PS3, they do not Guarantee it will play your older games, it can, but there is no guarantee. It was only in October of 2007 that Sony more or less removed mostall backward compatibility from the 40GB 40 GB produced prior will have Backwards compatibility to a degree. By your way of thinking, when a new console comes out, you just throw the old one and its games in the closet. Sorry, I spend good money on my stuff and I like to see them last. I feel sorry for those with the Original XBOX because there is no support or games made for it anymore. Its nothing more then a Doorstop. Yes, Sony just recently stopped support and games for the PS1 Original Playstation. The PS2 still continues to be sold and het games and support for it.

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