Wind chill part 1 I know Ill

Wind chill part 1

I know Ill be looking closely at the next disk to arrive tomorrow. Ill also be writing the CEO of Netflix with a dressing down. I thought I was going crazy and wasting my time talking to Sony trying to trouble shoot this really gauls me when its really Netflix to blame, even if it is the post off machine cracking them. Netflix should have addressed this immediately and redesigned the packaging or came up with new packaging for the Blu-rays. Experiencing the same issues also. Planet 51 was not recognized by the Sony requested another same deal. decided to get a different i got The Hurt same deal. I am now thinking if to Holy crap, its been THREE YEARS and Netflix still hasnt pulled their heads out of their asses and fixed this? I had this same problem with Hellboy 2, Inglorious Basterds, and Up. These were the first three Blurays I ever recieved from Netflix and none of them would work, nor would the replacement discs. Bad deal. I had a Samsung Bluray player. I ended up selling it though when I bought a Playstation I havent wind chill part 1 out there Blurays on the PS3 yet, but Im not going to bother with it anymore. DVDs are fine from as irritating as the Bluray fiasco is, I use watch instantly so much that I couldnt cancel my membership. I work at a video rental store so I just rent Blurays from there. However. having said that. you would think that a million dollar company such as Netflix would look into the reason why there Blurays are so easily defective. My theory is the damage occurs during shipping Blurays are harder to scratch but the plastic is more fragile and they are more susceptible to being cracked. You would think some genius at head office wouldve thought to specially package the discs in maybe a cardboard envelope, as opposed to paper. It could possibly solve the problem. Glad I found this blog! Had this problem a week ago and again last night. Tried to wind chill part 1 Night at the Museum II and my ps3 just sits there. Never tries to read the disc. Tried about 10x to get it to play and was worried my ps3 was dead. GLAD MY PS3 IS OK. Upset that hasnt fixed this problem in 3 YEARS! AM CONSIDERING JUST BREAKING THE DISCS THAT ARE DEFECTIVE BEFORE I RETURN THEM, SO I KNOW THEY ARE TOSSING THEM NOT JUST THROWING THEM BACK IN THE PILE. Thank goodness I found this blog. Now I have what I need to talk to netflix. I just got netflix for the main purpose of renting blu-rays. I have not had cracks like those described by the OP, but the first disc I got had several circumferential scratches on I and could not even be read by my blu-Ray player. The replacement disc they sent me had these same scratches, my player recognized the disc but could not play it. Are people still having problems with discs cracked at the edges? It seems like netflix has changed their envelopes so that the disc stays in the middle, avoiding the automatic-sorter problem that was causing those cracks.

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